EURNOK Exchange Rate


Euro vs norská koruna Exchange Rate (EUR to NOK)

+0.33% +390.4 pips
Bid/Ask: 11.7527/11.7137
Denní rozsah: 11.6960 - 11.7720
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EURNOK Live Price Chart

Upcoming Events for EUR and NOK

5h 44m
EUR -€353.5M
5h 44m
EUR 1.8%
5h 44m
EUR 0.3%
5h 44m
EUR 1.8%
5h 44m
EUR 3.5%
5h 44m
EUR 0.8%
6h 44m
7h 14m
7h 44m
EUR 1.6%
7h 44m
EUR -1.6%

NB and ECB Interest Rates

Norway Norges Bank 4.5% 4.5% 1 den
Euro Area European Central Bank 3.15% 3.4% 43 dny

Latest EURNOK News

German Investor Confidence Highest In 4 Months In December - ZEW

German Investor Confidence Highest In 4 Months In December - ZEW

Economic sentiment in Germany unexpectedly rebounded in December to its highest level in four months as financial market experts turned optimistic on the announcement of snap elections in February next year and the prospect of more interest rate cuts from the European Central Bank, results of a survey by the think tank ZEW showed Tuesday.
RTTNews | Před 18 h 20 min
Eurozone Trade Surplus Declines In October

Eurozone Trade Surplus Declines In October

The euro area trade surplus declined in October largely due to the rebound in imports, data from Eurostat showed on Tuesday. The trade surplus fell to EUR 6.8 billion in October from EUR 9.4 billion a year ago. This was also below September's level of EUR 11.6 billion. The fall in surplus reflects a reduction in the surplus for chemicals and related products and machineries and vehicles.
RTTNews | Před 20 h 13 min
German Ifo Business Confidence Worsens In December

German Ifo Business Confidence Worsens In December

Business sentiment in Germany fell to the weakest level since 2020 in December as firms were more skeptical about the economic outlook, survey results from the ifo Institute showed on Tuesday, amid the prospect of trade rifts with the U.S. and the uncertainty surrounding domestic economic policies. The ifo business climate index fell to 84.7 in December from 85.6 in the previous month.
RTTNews | Před 20 h 38 min
Eurozone Private Sector Contracts In December

Eurozone Private Sector Contracts In December

Eurozone private sector contracted at the end of the year reflecting the falls in Germany and France, while the rest of the region posted a solid increase in output. The HCOB flash composite output index rose to 49.5 in December from 48.3 in November, pointing to a softer and marginal fall in output, survey results from S&P Global showed Monday.
RTTNews | Před 1 dnem

Analysis for EURNOK

Saudi Oil Price Adjustment Adds to Growth Fears

Saudi Oil Price Adjustment Adds to Growth Fears

As I reflect on the recent events in the foreign exchange market, it becomes apparent that stability prevailed overnight, following the release of the latest nonfarm payrolls report on Friday. Despite the report triggering a brief uptick in volatility, the overall impact on the market seemed limited.
ACY Securities | Před 342 dny
Is it time to buy EURUSD?

Is it time to buy EURUSD?

Late cycle dollar strength meets the carry trade. I see two key themes driving FX markets in the near term. The first is central banks continuing to battle inflation, yield curves staying inverted, and the dollar continuing to hold gains. The second is cross-market volatility continuing to sink - generating greater interest in the carry trade. Expect these trends to hold into Fed, ECB and BoJ meet
ACY Securities | Před 557 dny

EURNOK Exchange Rates Analysis

EURNOK Historická data - Historické údaje EURNOK volitelné podle rozsahu dat a časového rámce.

EURNOK volatilita - EURNOK analýza volatility měn v reálném čase.

EURNOK korelace - EURNOK analýza korelace měny v reálném čase.

EURNOK indikátory - EURNOK indikátory v reálném čase.

EURNOK vzory - EURNOK cenové vzorce v reálném čase.