Happy Forex (Od autoforextrading)

Zisk : +172.22%
Čerpání 1.40%
Pipy: 5808.9
Obchodníci 2479
Vyhraná :
Prohraná :
Typ : Reálný
Páka: 1:500
Obchodování : Automaticky

Happy Forex diskuse

Feb 18, 2014 at 14:51
667 zobrazení
1 Replies
Členem od May 02, 2014   1 příspěvků
May 02, 2014 at 09:52
What is the max number of trade position that can be taken by this EA?
Členem od Dec 20, 2013   3 příspěvků
May 03, 2014 at 09:01
erelation posted:
What is the max number of trade position that can be taken by this EA?

Hi! Thanks for your question. It really is up to the signal provider, however he sees the pair and how he feels about his current positions. To date, the max amount of positions opened at once was 12 on Oct 21. He does have a set DD limit of 50%. The max drawdown can be adjust by you in our trade copier backend to fit your needs/wants.
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