Morpheus Topbot (By birt)

Gain : +3.12%
Drawdown 15.80%
Pips: 159.7
Trades 150
Type: Real
Leverage: 1:100
Trading: Automated

Morpheus Topbot Discussion

Feb 26, 2012 at 14:57
13 Replies
Member Since Sep 29, 2010   178 posts
Mar 22, 2012 at 14:18
hi what is the hard SL for this EA?
Get Rich or Die Trying
Member Since Aug 26, 2009   165 posts
Mar 22, 2012 at 14:22
119 pips.
Member Since Jul 30, 2011   72 posts
Mar 30, 2012 at 16:28
Is your broker for real? Mellyforex and I both show Oddbot and Topbot taking a huge loss on that last trade and yet you are still in it? I've also seen 2-3 win trades that you got this week that mine didn't even trade and I have an institutional feed.
Member Since Aug 26, 2009   165 posts
Apr 02, 2012 at 11:03
As it is widely known, most EAs trade different from a broker to another so having a few extra trades or missing trades is nothing out of the ordinary.

I'm not sure what trade you're talking about but judging from Melly's Oddbot account (there's no Topbot) it's an EURUSD trade on 29.03 which wasn't even taken in my account. My question is: do you have the news filter enabled in your setup? If so, is the correct GMT offset configured? Note that it changed last week for most brokers. If that's not the problem, I suggest contacting MorpheusFX and inquiring for more information. Their account has also not taken that particular trade (and for some reason it also shows a smaller loss than my account the next day) so it could be an issue with your settings.
Member Since Mar 05, 2012   15 posts
Apr 09, 2012 at 06:36

gwrigh posted:
Is your broker for real? Mellyforex and I both show Oddbot and Topbot taking a huge loss on that last trade and yet you are still in it? I've also seen 2-3 win trades that you got this week that mine didn't even trade and I have an institutional feed.

I believe Melly is running old versions of robots and not using newsfilter
I have forwarded the latest robots but nothing has been updated..
best to compare trades here or morpheus site.
Member Since Mar 05, 2012   15 posts
Apr 09, 2012 at 06:38

gwrigh posted:
Is your broker for real? Mellyforex and I both show Oddbot and Topbot taking a huge loss on that last trade and yet you are still in it? I've also seen 2-3 win trades that you got this week that mine didn't even trade and I have an institutional feed.

I Looked at the loss on mellyforex and yes i believe it was taken around a news event.Thats why the trade was not taken by either morpheus/birts bots since newsfilter is enabled.
On another note a loss of 61 pips is hardly a huge loss !
Also check your journal for errors..did the robot try to close out early?
Member Since Jan 27, 2012   49 posts
Apr 10, 2012 at 11:26
Oddbot has the same trades like Topbot, therefore same performance.

Please consider this, birt
Member Since Mar 05, 2012   15 posts
Apr 10, 2012 at 11:55

Vitautas posted:
Oddbot has the same trades like Topbot, therefore same performance.

Please consider this, birt

Rubbish ! see the difference in the results..also topbot has trailing .oddbot has you can adjust trailing parameters which significantly changes the outcome.The difference will become more appaarent over time..also if you backtest them side by side you will see the difference.
I accept constructive criticism..but not silly statements.
Member Since Aug 20, 2011   587 posts
Apr 10, 2012 at 21:33

morpheusfx posted:

Vitautas posted:
Oddbot has the same trades like Topbot, therefore same performance.

Please consider this, birt

Rubbish ! see the difference in the results..also topbot has trailing .oddbot has you can adjust trailing parameters which significantly changes the outcome.The difference will become more appaarent over time..also if you backtest them side by side you will see the difference.
I accept constructive criticism..but not silly statements.

but does the 2 EAs use the same base algorithm/kernel?
a quick check demonstrate near the same trades...
Member Since Mar 05, 2012   15 posts
Apr 11, 2012 at 06:19
This thread is for the discussion of topbot..If you believe that oddbot and topbot are the same..Dont buy topBot..Simple !
Member Since Aug 20, 2011   587 posts
Apr 11, 2012 at 10:12
its just some questions to understand the EA...
we are surprise to see that the trades are close between the 2 robots.
apparently topbot performs slightly better than oddbot
and as of now, the stability is good.
I'll certainly get it soon.
Member Since Mar 05, 2012   15 posts
Apr 11, 2012 at 20:47

willgart posted:
its just some questions to understand the EA...
we are surprise to see that the trades are close between the 2 robots.
apparently topbot performs slightly better than oddbot
and as of now, the stability is good.
I'll certainly get it soon.

yes as per website DESCRIPTION it uses the same trade trades opening will be very similar..however the exit strategy is a different story..just watch the robot do its job..its topbot already..hope it stays that and see.
Member Since Mar 27, 2012   33 posts
Apr 14, 2012 at 06:29

gwrigh posted:
Is your broker for real? Mellyforex and I both show Oddbot and Topbot taking a huge loss on that last trade and yet you are still in it? I've also seen 2-3 win trades that you got this week that mine didn't even trade and I have an institutional feed.

I also have very different results compared to Birt's/vendor's live account on an ECN feed with good VPS in first week of trading. Time will tell...
Member Since Mar 05, 2012   15 posts
Apr 15, 2012 at 11:04

socalengineer posted:

gwrigh posted:
Is your broker for real? Mellyforex and I both show Oddbot and Topbot taking a huge loss on that last trade and yet you are still in it? I've also seen 2-3 win trades that you got this week that mine didn't even trade and I have an institutional feed.

I also have very different results compared to Birt's/vendor's live account on an ECN feed with good VPS in first week of trading. Time will tell...

Oddbot/TopBot works very well with most brokers and the vast majority of our customers support this..
You will probably find it is broker issues or your setup..We can please everyone..but on the whole people happy making nice profits..
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