ZARJPY Exchange Rate


Rand sul-africano x iene japonês Exchange Rate (ZAR to JPY)

-1.01% -8.4 pips
Bid/Ask: 8.277/8.361
Intervalo Diário: 8.265 - 8.364
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Japan Bank of Japan 0.5% 0.25% 44 dias
South Africa South African Reserve Bank 7.5% 7.75% 46 dias

Latest ZARJPY News

Japan Jobless Rate Falls To 2.4% In December

Japan Jobless Rate Falls To 2.4% In December

The unemployment rate in Japan came in at a seasonally adjusted 2.4 percent in December, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said on Friday.
RTTNews | 2 dias atrás
Japan Retail Sales Advance 3.7% On Year In December

Japan Retail Sales Advance 3.7% On Year In December

The value of retail sales in Japan was up 3.7 percent on year in December, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said on Friday - coming in at 16.123 trillion yen.
RTTNews | 2 dias atrás
Japan Industrial Output Climbs 0.3% In December

Japan Industrial Output Climbs 0.3% In December

Industrial production in Japan was up a seasonally adjusted 0.3 percent on month in December, the Ministry of Economy and Trade said in Friday's preliminary report.
RTTNews | 2 dias atrás

ZARJPY Exchange Rates Analysis

Dados Históricos ZARJPY - Dados históricos de ZARJPY selecionáveis por intervalos de datas e períodos de tempo.

Volatilidade ZARJPY - Análise ZARJPY da volatilidade da moeda em tempo real.

Correlação ZARJPY - Análise ZARJPY da correlação entre moedas em tempo real.

Indicadores ZARJPY - Indicadores em tempo real ZARJPY.

Padrões ZARJPY - Padrões de preço em tempo real ZARJPY.