XXXX- demo expirted, EA did very well but is a dangerous one and must be watched- manual intervention in live advisable- Xmeter v2.2.2-fp1 with magic=0, started 30 May and took over from Fury xMeter -GP 202573 - F64 (Por cuzgeorge)

Ganho : +5.36%
Drawdown 39.87%
Pips: 241.9
Trades 475
Ganhou :
Perdeu :
Digitar : Demo
Alavancagem: 1:100
Trading : Automatizado

Discussão XXXX- demo expirted, EA did very well but is a dangerous one and must be watched- manual intervention in live advisable- Xmeter v2.2.2-fp1 with magic=0, started 30 May and took over from Fury xMeter -GP 202573 - F64

Mar 31, 2013 at 09:36
201 Visualizações
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