Smart FX Breakout Hunter (Por birt)
Ganho : | +11.52% |
Drawdown | 9.66% |
Pips: | 936.2 |
Trades | 803 |
Ganhou : |
Perdeu : |
Digitar : | Real |
Alavancagem: | 1:100 |
Trading : | Automatizado |
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Discussão Smart FX Breakout Hunter

Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
Jan 18, 2012 at 21:34
Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
I see its excellent EA. wich version? wich broker please?
I see its excellent EA. wich version? wich broker please?
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
Jan 18, 2012 at 21:47
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
So far, it doesn't seem precisely excellent to me. I'm running it on PrivateFX, for more details check out
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
Jan 18, 2012 at 21:57
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
Forgot to mention the version: it's 7.1.8, which reminds me I have to upgrade to 9.0.

Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
Jan 19, 2012 at 17:59
Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
aha ok Birt. so r u the programmer of (BH ea and scalping of smart fore)
but i see that BH alone is better due to the scalping promblems like spreads, brokers etc..
i think to buy the bh and traderun it alone
but i see that BH alone is better due to the scalping promblems like spreads, brokers etc..
i think to buy the bh and traderun it alone
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
Jan 19, 2012 at 18:01
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
No, I am not the programmer. I am merely an affiliate running a forward test. Like I said, please visit the link in my previous post here for more information.

Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
Jan 20, 2012 at 09:04
Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
ok Birt, i visit your site. i will again and focus the things inside.
what is the best ea that u run for more than one year. and its really gain go?od profits.
Is there any ea like that
can we talk in private please.
what is the best ea that u run for more than one year. and its really gain go?od profits.
Is there any ea like that
can we talk in private please.

Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
Jan 20, 2012 at 09:07
Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
are u use the default setting in BH ea?
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
Jan 20, 2012 at 10:15
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
The EA Top on my site ( is specifically designed so that people may take a look and compare the automated forex strategies that I am running in forward test mode. The test duration and other stats are displayed.
As for the settings of my SmartFX Breakout Hunter forward test, they are described in the link that I first posted in this comments section.
As for the settings of my SmartFX Breakout Hunter forward test, they are described in the link that I first posted in this comments section.

Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
Jan 20, 2012 at 17:37
Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
thank you Birt.. i will go and chexk your web...
i want your email please if you agree
i want your email please if you agree
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
Jan 20, 2012 at 17:42
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
If you insist on contacting me privately, you can use either the private messaging here or the contact form on my website.

Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
Jan 21, 2012 at 06:15
Membro Desde Jan 17, 2012
35 postagens
thank you..
really i still co confused about this system.
becuase there is any account is for long time (minimum one year), and on the forums people talk that they lose a lot of money..
maybe i misssomthing
really i still co confused about this system.
becuase there is any account is for long time (minimum one year), and on the forums people talk that they lose a lot of money..
maybe i misssomthing
Membro Desde Jun 28, 2011
2 postagens
Jun 07, 2012 at 06:23
Membro Desde Jun 28, 2011
2 postagens
Hi Birt,
can you tell me what that relatively big spike up and then down was in the performance at the end of January? Both the win and loss seems to be rather large at that time comparing to the other periods. Did you change anything or this is also part of the "normal" behaviour of this EA?
can you tell me what that relatively big spike up and then down was in the performance at the end of January? Both the win and loss seems to be rather large at that time comparing to the other periods. Did you change anything or this is also part of the "normal" behaviour of this EA?
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
Jun 07, 2012 at 09:38
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
There were no changes during that period. Such things can happen with it but rarely. In that case I guess it was a strike of luck followed by a strike of bad luck.
Membro Desde Apr 16, 2012
28 postagens
Jun 07, 2012 at 09:59
Membro Desde Apr 16, 2012
28 postagens
Breakouts are easy to trade manual:
Add a daily pivots indicator to your chart... if the previous days high or low is within 10 pips on a pivot set up a trade... if its a high your trading off set entry to 10 pips above the high to ensure it is breaking out... SL 30 pips , set it to breakeven when 30 pips in profit and ride the move. Simple ;)
For an edge only trade in line with the trend on the h4 charts using key highs and lows as indicators.
Add a daily pivots indicator to your chart... if the previous days high or low is within 10 pips on a pivot set up a trade... if its a high your trading off set entry to 10 pips above the high to ensure it is breaking out... SL 30 pips , set it to breakeven when 30 pips in profit and ride the move. Simple ;)
For an edge only trade in line with the trend on the h4 charts using key highs and lows as indicators.
Membro Desde Sep 21, 2013
81 postagens
Oct 30, 2013 at 21:26
Membro Desde Sep 21, 2013
81 postagens
Did you edit your trades? you didnt have 10.29.2013 16:00 trades
Or manually closed them?
Or manually closed them?
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
Oct 30, 2013 at 21:29
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
R3DWiNG posted:
Did you edit your trades? you didnt have 10.29.2013 16:00 trades
Or manually closed them?
Most EAs will have differences from a broker to another. I didn't close anything manually.
Membro Desde Sep 21, 2013
81 postagens
Oct 31, 2013 at 13:29
Membro Desde Sep 21, 2013
81 postagens
Can I ask what broker you use for running this live?

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