R.IF.Mo.PAMM (Por FX_GreenField)
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Discussão R.IF.Mo.PAMM
Membro Desde Jan 11, 2012
4 postagens
Sep 20, 2012 at 21:24
Membro Desde Jan 11, 2012
4 postagens
Hello to everyone
If you are interested in investing in this method, follow these steps:
Create a new account and use the link InstaForex.com reference:
How to invest:
1) Login account created
2) Should transform into PAAM account investor
3) Investing in Paam Account: https://instaforex.com/pt/pamm_monitoring.php?trader=5147443
I will not provide any details about the trade system
Thank you all and good profits
If you are interested in investing in this method, follow these steps:
Create a new account and use the link InstaForex.com reference:
How to invest:
1) Login account created
2) Should transform into PAAM account investor
3) Investing in Paam Account: https://instaforex.com/pt/pamm_monitoring.php?trader=5147443
I will not provide any details about the trade system
Thank you all and good profits
Membro Desde Jan 11, 2012
4 postagens
Sep 20, 2012 at 21:24
Membro Desde Jan 11, 2012
4 postagens
PD : Target for this account is 5-10 % / month.

*Não serão tolerados uso comercial ou spam. O não cumprimento desta regra poderá resultar na exclusão da conta.
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