Oddbot (Por birt)
Ganho : | +31.28% |
Drawdown | 11.97% |
Pips: | 633.3 |
Trades | 246 |
Ganhou : |
Perdeu : |
Digitar : | Real |
Alavancagem: | 1:100 |
Trading : | Automatizado |
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Discussão Oddbot
Membro Desde Dec 07, 2009
134 postagens
Mar 21, 2012 at 13:06
Membro Desde Dec 07, 2009
134 postagens
Is this running 1.8 yet?
Be afraid, very afraid?
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
Membro Desde Mar 24, 2010
42 postagens
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
May 07, 2012 at 06:55
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
All the details are posted at http://eareview.net/live-forward-test/oddbot
Membro Desde Jun 18, 2011
51 postagens
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009
165 postagens
Membro Desde Jul 15, 2011
126 postagens
Nov 02, 2012 at 14:23
Membro Desde Jul 15, 2011
126 postagens
Birt: "Discontinued on 30.10.2012. In addition to using stolen code, the vendor is cheating all the affiliates."
Kudos to Birt!
Kudos to Birt!
Membro Desde Jun 10, 2016
2 postagens
May 29, 2020 at 01:40
Membro Desde Jun 10, 2016
2 postagens
Hello. How can I download advisers from you?
Membro Desde Jan 30, 2020
19 postagens
May 30, 2020 at 17:37
Membro Desde Jan 30, 2020
19 postagens
Every time I wonder how people create these things. Because for me the market is such a unique structure, which each time requires a different approach. And the robot is still a system that has certain limitations, and it is difficult enough to make it something moveable and adaptable.

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