My Scalper EA Octa Real (Por Forexprofit1)
Ganho : | +324.5% |
Drawdown | 75.45% |
Pips: | 261.2 |
Trades | 311 |
Ganhou : |
Perdeu : |
Digitar : | Real |
Alavancagem: | 1:500 |
Trading : | Automatizado |
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Discussão My Scalper EA Octa Real
Membro Desde Jun 26, 2014
18 postagens
Membro Desde Apr 10, 2014
3 postagens
Jul 02, 2014 at 12:03
Membro Desde Apr 10, 2014
3 postagens
Hi, it was very good ! nice job =)
Membro Desde Mar 31, 2014
53 postagens
Jul 02, 2014 at 12:07
Membro Desde Mar 31, 2014
53 postagens
I dont like your system, most of your trades lasted less than 10 seconds

Membro Desde Feb 11, 2011
1768 postagens
Jul 02, 2014 at 21:54
(editado há Jul 02, 2014 at 21:54)
Membro Desde Feb 11, 2011
1768 postagens
i think there is a lot of inexperienced people here and you think that we will fall for your pseudo system,go learn your lessons before jerking here about how your trading is " good"
Membro Desde Jun 26, 2014
18 postagens
Jul 03, 2014 at 06:36
Membro Desde Jun 26, 2014
18 postagens
chiecghethunam posted:
I dont like your system, most of your trades lasted less than 10 seconds
Thats your problem, I don`t like yours eighter! Who care what you like and What don`t!
If you can`t say something constructive better don`t bash others Systems!
Membro Desde Jun 26, 2014
18 postagens
Jul 03, 2014 at 06:36
Membro Desde Jun 26, 2014
18 postagens
rob559 posted:
i think there is a lot of inexperienced people here and you think that we will fall for your pseudo system,go learn your lessons before jerking here about how your trading is " good"
First of all I don`t want anyone to "fall for my pseudo system" , secondly Im not jerking here about how good its my trading!
Go somewhere else and give your inapropiate critique!

Membro Desde Feb 11, 2011
1768 postagens
Jul 03, 2014 at 21:08
Membro Desde Feb 11, 2011
1768 postagens
very amateurish and scam smelling this foreprofit1
Membro Desde Jun 26, 2014
18 postagens
Jul 08, 2014 at 14:19
Membro Desde Jun 26, 2014
18 postagens
rob559 posted:
very amateurish and scam smelling this foreprofit1
Yeah Right! After you everything its smelling a Scam!
Track record , Trading Privileges verifyed!
Membro Desde May 22, 2012
219 postagens
Jul 08, 2014 at 14:30
(editado há Jul 08, 2014 at 14:37)
Membro Desde May 22, 2012
219 postagens
1 month history, i want to see u after at least 6 months. Im sure ur system will not be here.
Caution ¡¡ Forex market is full of scams ¡¡

Membro Desde Jun 28, 2013
842 postagens
Jul 08, 2014 at 14:35
Membro Desde Jun 28, 2013
842 postagens
With this growth you need only six months to be reacher than Bill Gates.
Membro Desde Feb 18, 2014
80 postagens
Jul 08, 2014 at 17:22
Membro Desde Feb 18, 2014
80 postagens
Hi, indeed I would prefer if communications were less "attacking", but then the world is not according to our dreams... Way of communicating aside, anyone that's in Forex for a while will have to admit that the majority of (temporary) players do not have a high integrity level. Therefore, it is only normal that people are skeptical towards these "pitches". What I try to look for to see if somebody or something is worth more of my time, is to see if they are open with their information. This way I can make up my own mind. I understand people hide a lot of things in their account for privacy reasons, but then do not expect anyone to agree with this. Then again, unless you are selling something, it really does not matter if people believe you or not. I would really like to see if this growth is reached with small amounts of play money, or with decent sums of money. Unfortunately I could not see this. Any chance of showing more info of that account?
Membro Desde Jun 26, 2014
18 postagens
Jul 08, 2014 at 21:05
Membro Desde Jun 26, 2014
18 postagens
optimofx posted:
1 month history, i want to see u after at least 6 months. Im sure ur system will not be here.
You say something optimofx but this one its consistent and don`t have this problem!
Membro Desde Mar 31, 2014
53 postagens
Jul 09, 2014 at 06:44
Membro Desde Mar 31, 2014
53 postagens
an example of arbitrage trading. Good luck with being able to withdrawing profit. OctaFX has forfeited profits and banned countless similar accounts.
Membro Desde Apr 13, 2011
159 postagens
Jul 09, 2014 at 07:44
Membro Desde Apr 13, 2011
159 postagens
Im interested.. tell us more Forexprofit1
Membro Desde Apr 13, 2011
159 postagens
Jul 09, 2014 at 07:45
Membro Desde Apr 13, 2011
159 postagens
You guys ever thought that one day a full proof system will exist?
Membro Desde Mar 03, 2011
137 postagens
Jul 09, 2014 at 09:24
(editado há Jul 09, 2014 at 09:26)
Membro Desde Mar 03, 2011
137 postagens
ahuruglica posted:
With this growth you need only six months to be reacher than Bill Gates.
Sorry, I will be the first 😁😁😁
Membro Desde Jun 26, 2014
18 postagens
Jul 24, 2014 at 19:04
Membro Desde Jun 26, 2014
18 postagens
abc_forex_ru posted:ahuruglica posted:
With this growth you need only six months to be reacher than Bill Gates.
Sorry, I will be the first 😁😁😁
You need to wait more 😝
and don`t Spam my discussion!
Membro Desde Oct 23, 2012
341 postagens
Jul 28, 2014 at 23:35
Membro Desde Oct 23, 2012
341 postagens
abc_forex_ru posted:ahuruglica posted:
With this growth you need only six months to be reacher than Bill Gates.
Sorry, I will be the first 😁😁😁
your grossly overleveraged, 30% stoploss per trade, one bad day will wipe your account!
if you follow the flock like sheep you always end up stepping in shit!
Membro Desde Mar 03, 2011
137 postagens
Jul 29, 2014 at 06:27
(editado há Jul 29, 2014 at 06:30)
Membro Desde Mar 03, 2011
137 postagens
sirius1fx posted:abc_forex_ru posted:ahuruglica posted:
With this growth you need only six months to be reacher than Bill Gates.
Sorry, I will be the first 😁😁😁
your grossly overleveraged, 30% stoploss per trade, one bad day will wipe your account!
Excuse me, where you see any SL?
(please, go to that thread,1
and ask there)

Membro Desde Dec 31, 2013
164 postagens
Aug 13, 2014 at 04:10
Membro Desde Dec 31, 2013
164 postagens
Forexprofit1 posted:
Welkome to my system! 😄
Good one.. 😀

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