Egyptian Investor (ABDALLAH) (Por zero7hour)
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Discussão Egyptian Investor (ABDALLAH)
Membro Desde Jan 16, 2012
11 postagens
Sep 21, 2012 at 05:59
Membro Desde Jan 16, 2012
11 postagens
أسأل الله ان يصبح هذا الحساب صاحب المركز الاول فى العالم
I ask God that this account becomes the owner of the first place
in the world
Membro Desde Feb 15, 2012
19 postagens
Membro Desde Jan 16, 2012
11 postagens
Sep 23, 2012 at 21:22
Membro Desde Jan 16, 2012
11 postagens
bupunsu posted:
amien brother...😁
جزاك الله خيرا اخى الكريم
اللهم احفظ اهلنا فى اندونيسيا
Membro Desde Feb 15, 2012
19 postagens
Sep 24, 2012 at 05:10
Membro Desde Feb 15, 2012
19 postagens
brother Abdullah, I can't read arabian very well, but I know in English. do you use EA?

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