Best system (Por Istherehope)

Ganho : +15.55%
Drawdown 97.78%
Pips: 731.1
Trades 83
Ganhou :
Perdeu :
Digitar : Real
Alavancagem: -
Trading : Manual

Discussão Best system

Mar 04, 2014 at 19:31
639 Visualizações
1 Replies
Membro Desde Mar 16, 2011   60 postagens
Jun 11, 2014 at 18:00
Is it possible to copy your signals at all? I have been looking for a system with low drawdown for sometime now!
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2009   10 postagens
Jun 20, 2014 at 13:08
It will be in the future, after some solid performance. However my targets are 40 to 60% per year with a 20% max drawdown.
This is a 100% manual system and the trades are managed by me.
Just add the system to your watch list and I will inform later
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