VIP EA TESTE (โดย gbraidotti)


VIP EA TESTE การสนทนา

Jan 25, 2012 at 21:29
816 การดู
2 Replies
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Oct 03, 2009   4 โพสต์
Jan 30, 2012 at 18:28
can you share expert
and the set

than u
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Feb 06, 2011   6 โพสต์
Jan 30, 2012 at 18:31
Hi my friend!

The EA it`s running is VIP EA. You can find it at
As you can see, I started using it in mid january and its part of a series of EA`s i`m planning on testing on my own accounts and costs.
I run a fx web site here in Brasil. You can check it out, though it is all in portuguese:

The settings I`m using are default. Everything is default, even the broker, which is InstaForex.

Hope this info is helpfull to you!

เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Apr 19, 2010   15 โพสต์
Feb 18, 2012 at 00:55
Hello can you tell me how the Vip-EA is performing? What is your trading time setting? I have this EA in my tool box but have not traded it much as US have some restirctions on leverage. I have an EA that trades the US/CAD call butterfly and it trades very well with small account sizes above $1000 and 1:50 leverage. Check out my
Pips baby
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