Minimum Investment : USD1k
Performance Fee : 20% High Water Mark
Volume Commission : $5 to AXI (nothing added or included for NMi, our volume rebate is passed on to MAM clients)

Special Conditions / Procedures

New Axitrader clients : Use this link to open account Steps 1 - 9 below then apply.

Current Axitrader ("AXI") account holders ("the Client") ;

1. Client downloads and completes a pre-signed (by Adam for NMi) LPOA and Fees Broker Authority directly, with CC to [email protected]
2. Axi will then create 2 accounts for you upon receipt of the LPOA and Fees Broker Authority ;
3. One MAM sub account denominated in USD's for the "NMI Super Climber MAM" (account credentials and client email advice sent to NMi by AXI)
4. One STANDARD account (account credential sent to the client by AXI) used by client to facilitate internal transfers to and from their MAM sub account
5. Client credits STANDARD account initially (in any currency and method offered by AXI)
6. Client instructs AXI to execute an internal transfer of USD funds from their STANDARD account to the MAM sub account
7. NMi trades funded accounts at 1.8% risk per trade (until/unless otherwise advised by the client) and emails client myfxbook link and account number since after the new entry method was added, 1.8% risk per trade is the "optimum" for risk / reward ratio and emails client myfxbook link and account number.
8. Client receives (daily/monthly) emailed statements from AXI as per usual standards (all trade details, overall profit, loss, fees, deposits, withdrawals)
9. Client can advise NMi of risk per trade update for a specific account number at any time to [email protected], CC to [email protected]

LPOA empowers NMI to open account on your behalf, which upon doing and adding your account to the MAM to be traded, will generate (and supply to you) a myfxbook link for account for your viewing/account transparency. This procedure is in place to ensure that trades can not be readily copied and thus better preserving the integrity of the system in the market place.

Withdrawals and Deposit monthly unless alternative arrangements are made between The Client/NMi. This procedure is in place for ease of management of the MAM.

Please direct question or support inquiries to [email protected]

Kind Regards,

Adam Liddiard and the NMi Team