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Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
May 19, 2011 at 09:03
I think it's time for beer. And time to find some account tracking solution - with or without Oanda.
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Feb 01, 2011 at 13:45
What is abandoned is myFXbook's support for Oanda accounts (except the new Oanda MT4 accounts, that are in evolution phase). I'll have to think about MT4, but I must say that I prefer to trade on Oanda's classic platform. Of course, programming and sharing features of MT4 are a factor to consider seriously.Cassandras around here have the opportunity now to throw a little party, as my losing spiral has returned- causing further losses. I am working on getting my fund out of this, but it will take some time to recover (unikbit you may have earned the rights for 1 beer here) .My expla...
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Jan 19, 2011 at 09:44
Today I've updated also the semi-public (...) accounts for you curious people (that know where to find the links). Enjoy a mix of insanity and measure, recorded on low balances ...but first of all enjoy the nice recovery curve of Buddha is my auditor after the new year dive. Join the BUDDHA IS MY AUDITOR Daily Growth Project to support your wallet and some cool and advanced experimental art projects! While in recovery mood my daily targets will tend to be higher, until I'm back in track. Maybe it is interesting for you to jump into the train at this particular moment! Site: www.d-g-p.o...
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Jan 14, 2011 at 14:26
I think that I can recover the losses, and hope to come back on profit for this month, which I regard as very possible.
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Jan 11, 2011 at 09:51
Oh my, my risk of ruin is ruined by New Year's Eve... Here are some more optimistic statistics: Maybe optimism does not help always, but often, I think that it can help a great deal.
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Jan 08, 2011 at 01:41
For the sake of transparency, here are once again the links to the two previously published DGP client accounts:1), please read the growth with these accounts as a rather negative example of insane results that can sometimes be achieved on low balances. In other words, when no real risk is involved. I believe that good trading needs a well built, healthy and stable rhythm, and that this is rather made clear by the main...
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Jan 08, 2011 at 00:37
...And if it really happens that myFXbook seizes Oanda, there is still Currensee. Follow my statistics on Currensee,, not such a bad score the one over there :-)
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Jan 08, 2011 at 00:28
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Jan 08, 2011 at 00:26
Now's the time to bet, guys
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Jan 08, 2011 at 00:25
Apropos: the DECEMBER statement is out:
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Jan 08, 2011 at 00:19
unikbit, you seem to have a lot of risk appetite here my friend. Stay sober. You shouldn't be gambling 10 bucks away like that, but if you want, this is your decision, of course.I feel honoured about this. People gambling their reputation and 10$ about whether or not I'll be margin called at April 1st. Hey this starts to become charmingly interesting! My nice dive seems to make things only better! See?Who else is betting?!!!
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Dec 30, 2010 at 13:20
Feel free to check out my funds' client account to see if you feel better with the results now :-)A happy, healthy, prosperous and giving 2011 for all!Vassilios
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Dec 29, 2010 at 22:37
Thank you speki for your analysis. Suppose it's on the right track.About the losses in the first 3 months of account, they came through overtrading, while trying to regain some earlier losses through higher targets and more trading every day. These losses guided me to the right direction, as I think is well visible on the chart. Still, it can happen that I trade a couple of hours more on a day or two, but I think that in the mean time I've learned to assess better my limits, and that explains the positive results.unikbit - mini...
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Dec 28, 2010 at 18:57
I regard such an agreement as a very positive and good thing to do, and it would be absolutely OK with me. I have a client running on a similar deal. We can discuss some details through the private messaging system.
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Dec 24, 2010 at 14:49
Please refer to my above explatations about some published client accounts of BUDDHA IS MY AUDITOR with occasional special settings. For the time being, I will just keep the main account posted here in order to avoid any further confusing info and discussions.Feel free to post productive questions about my fund or trading here. Please formulate your questions clearly, so that I can try to answer them.Many kind season's greatings to all!! Have a wonderful Christmas time!
solid own
Trading System
Dec 23, 2010 at 18:20
Stress is indeed a bad companion to trading! merry xmas!
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Dec 23, 2010 at 18:11
From time to time I have published secondary account statistics of client accounts participating in the Buddha is my auditor (DGP) fund, which may diverge by small or by large from the main fund statistics (due to special participation percentage adjustments). Sometimes it is practically possible to apply greater leverage to client accounts with very small account balances, something which I do not offer to my clients. It is also possible to lower the account leverage/participation, which is an option I do offer to those clients who want to go easier than the overall fund. My suggestion to int...
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Dec 23, 2010 at 17:38
kishorejoga - Is it possible please to tell me which account are you referring to, so that I can answer your question.Is it an account that is no longer public?There is a client account with which I demonstrated the absurd growth you can achieve with a very small account (25 euro), by applying very high leverage. The growth on this account was almost 1000% within a month or so. I find it useful for all to know that such kinds of tricks are possible, when account balances are hidden. We want our business to be transparent in every direction. Nevertheless I took this account out of publicity, as...
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Dec 20, 2010 at 16:57
I never open a trade without an SL. Thanks for pointing this out! What kind of info mislead you to this wrong assumption? Yes, it would be indeed very risky to open any trades without an SL, as all kinds of things can happen with electronic trading. I would totally agree. I let my SL's be set automatically with the opening of every single trade.The fund is BUDDHA IS MY AUDITOR, and dgp client er is a client account. They both have more or less the same growth. If you choose to analyse the whole history, you will see the different results of diverse trading tactics, as is clearly visible fr...
Buddha is my auditor (DGP)
Trading System
Dec 17, 2010 at 21:40
I have closed the book for 2010 and plan to resume trading on January 3rd. For new accounts, note that it may be a process of 15', but it happens extremely often that a week is needed until a new account is activated and funded for trading. So it is not wrong to open your account now if you want to be in for the start of 2011!😄
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