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HIGH RISK Blackwave Alpine
Trading System
Feb 23, 2021 at 19:12
Gary,First, Keep up the good work!I really appreciate your knowledge, skill, and patience in running your MAM's and signals. And I appreciate your explaining so much about the thinking behind your trades. Your commentary, which I now follow on your Telegram channel, helps me understand what it going on with my accounts and with the FX market in general.I know you have been doing your best to keep us informed about the change in your FXCM account and how it affects Blackwave Australia on Signal Start. I have a question about the suggestion you made to another follower that he could subscrib...
HIGH RISK Blackwave Alpine
Trading System
Jul 06, 2020 at 02:20
Hi Gary,Just read your post of July 3 on Facebook. I really appreciate your straightforward approach (as usual). No bluster, no B.S. Everything you wrote makes sense to me. I see that three positions were closed at big losses in the past month, and I understand that. You're keeping us far away from a margin call. In the last few years I've copied several signals, and yours is the one I have the most faith in. I lost >90% of my investment in two other signals, because the trader couldn't accept the need to close some positions at a loss.It's great that you share your anal...
Trading System
Mar 13, 2020 at 21:56
@NextGen4FX,Thanks for your comments. I was thinking that the trader has more expertise than I, and so I should rely on the trader to "get out" at the right time, but with these two signals (Maximus and Frero), that was not the case, and I lost a lot. With another signal that was "going south", Lion, I did close a losing trade before the trader did. Unfortunately for me, I took my funds that had been following Lion and moved them into the Frero MAM!
NCM Conservative
Trading System
Mar 09, 2020 at 23:10
I am interested in following your signal on Signal Start. I am puzzled by the this in your listing on Signal Start: "Only works with IC Markets". Is that correct? I can understand that if I subscribe on your website, I need an account at IC Markets, but it shouldn't matter if I go through Signal Start.
Trading System
Mar 06, 2020 at 22:42
When I go to the web page you referenced, it shows loss for Feb. of -92.36% and maximum DD of 93.1% That is close to the percentage I lost in the MAM from the balance I had after he deducted his performance fee earlier in February to the final balance in my account after he stopped trading.I appreciate all the comments on when to get out of a signal or MAM.
Trading System
Mar 06, 2020 at 06:45
Frero is the second signal I have followed that did extremely well for a while and then crashed with >90% DD.Others have commented here recently that we (followers) must set our own stop-loss limit. Before, I trusted the trader. I thought that since Wassel had recovered from the 55% DD last fall, he could do it again. But it seems that he, like the Maximus trader, could not see when they needed to just close all the trades to preserve capital and start over.What do the rest of you think is a "good" drawdown limit. 60%? 70%? Those are the figures I am considering.
Trading System
Mar 01, 2020 at 18:11
I am not on Telegram, so I don't know what has been discussed in that group.I hope that when he is ready, Wassel will post here his analysis of what happened.
Trading System
Feb 26, 2020 at 17:04
I very much appreciate the comments above. I, too have noticed what seems to be a change in trading style and have been puzzled by it.But we went through a similar scary period with Frero last October, and he came out of it without a single month in which he did not make a profit. As Jay says, "High reward, high risk."I am staying in the MAM, because I figure that even if Wassel has to close a lot of trades at a loss and I lose half my balance, he will probably make it back for me in the next 4 months.If some people have been stopped out because they accepted a bonus offer, that is a...
Trading System
Dec 31, 2019 at 14:31
Happy New Year to Wassel and my fellow Frero followers!Wassel, thanks for the great returns. Thanks also for your patience...both with the market AND with all the criticism/skepticism here.
Trading System
Nov 28, 2019 at 16:14
This was confusing, because a while back, when some people were wondering whether all the money in the Frero account from which the signal is copied was Wassel's own funds (or whether it included funds of MAM followers), he said that this account was with Tickmill UK, which did not allow MAM's, so it was all his own money. Hmm—but in the past Frero has traded at leverage as high as 1:200 (see's the answer (from"Leverage up to 1:30 (Retail Clients), 1:500 (Professional Cl...
Trading System
Nov 27, 2019 at 15:04
As shown on Signal Start, Frero is now up 21.82% this month.Congratulations, Wassel!
Trading System
Nov 20, 2019 at 14:00
Another comment on Professional 4X's chart above (which I will not reproduce again), which shows NO STOP LOSS and NO TAKE PROFIT: As has been mentioned, Frero is traded manually. In addition, many traders believe that some brokers engage in stop loss –hunting, i.e., they momentarily raise or lower the price so they can stop out trades for their own profit. For this reason, these traders do not enter the stop loss in the broker's system.In addition, not having a rigidly set stop loss allows the trader to evaluate an individual situation. In general, Wassel has said the SL for Frer...
Trading System
Nov 20, 2019 at 01:00
Frero is now the third most discussed system on myfxbook:
Trading System
Nov 19, 2019 at 18:15
Looks like you joined myfxbook just so you could post this.Is one of your friends Taicun? If they lost money, they must have closed trades themselves during the huge drawdown. I waited it out and was happy with the result.But keep it up (posts trashing Wassel and the Frero system). There is a saying: "All publicity is good publicity." I had heard that P.T. Barnum said it, but research doesn't back it up. Whether or not Barnum actually said it, there's some truth to it. All the recent negative posts are helping Frero move up on the list of most discussed systems. It's abou...
Trading System
Nov 19, 2019 at 15:19 has nothing to do with forex.Little Frero is not on myfxbook or Signal Start.The only place I have seen it is at
Trading System
Nov 15, 2019 at 19:48
@livegood3,I don't understand your last sentence: if you subscribed Nov 8, how do you have any return for October at all?Disregarding that sentence, I will reply to the sentence above: "I am a subscriber since Nov 08, and I have only 2% so far."On Nov 5, Wassel closed 35 trades. On Nov 8, he closed 28 trades, some of which were opened in October, some as late as Nov 7. In any case, they were all opened before you subscribed on Nov 8. That explains why your return is less than the 15% you referenced. My return so far in November has also been around 15%; it's hard for me to ca...
Trading System
Nov 13, 2019 at 18:46
The trades opened in my account on 11 Nov were at 0.25 lot per $5000. Trades opened on 12 Nov were at 0.275 lot per $5000.
Trading System
Nov 10, 2019 at 15:48
Frero is now #4 on the list of Most Discussed Systems here on myfxbook: down. It's below Most Followed Systems.)
Trading System
Nov 10, 2019 at 14:31
Just checked my records from last week, when I was following Frero via Signal Start before I switched to the MAM at FX Choice. At that time the system was opening a trade of 0.02 lot per 5000 USD.So even if those of you trading in EUR are trading larger volumes per amount invested than I am, at least I'm not losing any opportunity by switching to the MAM. And considering how risky Frero is, I'm OK with 0.02 lot per 5000 USD.
Trading System
Nov 10, 2019 at 13:59
Except in my account, like Juliann1984 reported above, it's 0.02 lot per 5000 USD, or 0.04 lot per 10,000 USD.Julian1984 and I are both in the MAM account at FX Choice, which trades in USD.@JForex78, are you perhaps in the Tickmill MAM, which trades in EUR?@wassel2017, are the settings different for the two MAM's?With a MAM account, unlike Signal Start, followers cannot change what SS calls the multiplier.
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