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Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Mar 07, 2011 at 19:40
HiEugene sent me an email on the last update, telling me that they are about ready with their "Trade Replicator". This will allow you get the EXACT same trades as their system here (not withstanding slippage etc), if that is what you are looking for:- "Also a status update on the signal service: We have the software ready to offer trade copied signals for anyone interested, we are setting it up so users can set it up through the website"Check it out 😄Happy tradingGraham 😎PS This EA is "Long Term T...
EuroBlaster 7.3
Trading System
Feb 24, 2011 at 20:17
I have recently de-activated the EuroBlaster EA whilst I carry out some optimisation tests.I am using this account for some manual trades to slowly work it back up to the original balanace of £1,000 :)
Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Feb 24, 2011 at 20:14
Hi pompealpNo I have not tweaked the EA. For somw reason, yesterday, it opened a trade TWICE as big as my trade setting. Later in the day it closed HALF of the trade. It looked like the trade was moving to the down side so I was in two minds about leaving it or cancelling it, so I let it stay open. This morning the price shot up and the EA and then back down right to my entry level. I could have/should have closed it then but greed and curiosity got the better of me, so I left it open. Murphy's law kicked in and the price has been rising all day. I have a buy trade on my manaul system whic...
Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Feb 23, 2011 at 20:37
Hi KishoreI have a live account on Alpari uk: trading :)
Trading System
Feb 11, 2011 at 00:04
Update:I have, today, received my refund on this product.I asked support to justify why they sent signals to close my open trades for a loss and they were unable to give me a satifactory answer.To be fair to the system every trade signal they provide did move to profit but in between they closed 2 of my trades for no good reason. The risk to reward is far too high and although the trades do eventually close for a profit, they go a long way into the red before reversing.I feel my money is better off somewhere else.Good luck to all of you have been following the trades on this account :)Happy tr...
Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Jan 28, 2011 at 00:33
Hi SGTigerYes you can 😄Happy tradingGraham
Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Jan 25, 2011 at 22:53
Hi ianjThe pyramiding system was running on a customised version of the EA which allowed me to input magic numbers (the developers have since released an update that allows for magic numbers) I was running 3 charts with all the same settings except the Volatility setting. 1=2.0, 2= 2.5, 3=3.0I am now runnig some other experiments with the revised version.Happy tradingGraham :)
Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Jan 23, 2011 at 18:47
UpdateI have now installed the updated version so will run with the Default setting for a while to see how it goes. There has not been much action in the first few days because the pair has been stuck in sideways ranging action. This EA is designed to react to the TREND ala Elliot Wave riding :)Happy Trading Graham 😄
Leo Trader Pro
Trading System
Jan 21, 2011 at 17:32
Hi OdilBekIt took a bit of patience but I have a live account set up which you can review here: started trading with it after the quiet period during Christams. I have it set up on VPS with a London based server just up the road from my broker AlpariUK.I have so far received all of the trades that their live account has taken and they have opened within 1pip of thier prices. So far so good :)I have to admit that placxing trades, with an average gain of 20 pips for a 330 pip stop loss, is a little crazy because on stopped out trade can...
Trading System
Jan 19, 2011 at 17:26
Ouch!!!! 😡
Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Jan 13, 2011 at 22:05
Update:13th January: 3 out of 5 trades I closed manually because FGB support could not provide details of where the TP would be for these trades. I ahve set a manual TP an SL for the largest trade and have left the middle one of the 5 to run it's course to see what the EA will do with it.I will let the EA continue to place trades but watch closely until the developers provide the update they are working on. This update should have some indication of the TP and SL for each trade it opens.Happy TradingGraham 😄
Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Jan 13, 2011 at 20:34
Hi ForexgrowthbotI have 5 trades still open at+267 pips :) market is taking a breather at the moment and may continue to rise.How do I work out where the trades are palnning to close themselves?You say " if you are happy with the profit then close them manually" but I don't really know where the trades are looking to go before the EA closes them automatically, so I don't know if I am "happy with the profit" or notI am using Andrea Salvatorie's pyramiding PimpmyEa version by the wayCheersGraham
Trading System
Jan 12, 2011 at 23:23
Update:V1.1 installed today @ 11:20 GMT 4 pairs EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY & USD/CHFRisk setting -1.0 = pending trade size of 0.02 lotsTime slip 120, variance 5 pips, slippage 5 pipsLets see how it goes 😄Happy tradingGraham
EuroBlaster 7.3
Trading System
Jan 10, 2011 at 21:44
Just a quick update regarding the loss trade on my account. When I set EA up again in January I started it with the wrong risk setting. Previously I had it set to 5% on the EUR/USD pair and when I set off again I mistakenly set it to 10%. This meant that the loss was twice what it should have been.Because of that I have decided to leave the risk setting at 10% for EUR/USD pair to give a chance to make up the loss. The other pairs are set ay 5%Happy Trading 😄Graham
Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Jan 10, 2011 at 21:35
Hi RaymondI have a tweaked version of the EA which allows me to set up MAGIC numbers for each chart.I have a live account here: which I set up today (no trades a yet)I have 3 charts with basic setting except for the Volatility Factor. I have them set to 2.0, 2.5 & 3.0 respectvelyYou are welcome to monitor the results if you like :)Happy tradingGraham
Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Jan 10, 2011 at 21:29
Hi forexgrothbotDo i have to apply the FGB custom indicator to my chart or is there for the EA to use when it makes a trade?ThanksGraham
Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Jan 09, 2011 at 19:15
Many thanks :)
Forex Growth Bot
Trading System
Jan 09, 2011 at 19:10
Hi fxgrowthbotAlpari Uk servers occasionally drop their transmission. My MT4 automatically logs back in again as soon as they start their server signal.Will this effect the FGB ea controlling the open trades? or is it only if I close dowm MT4 and re-open?Thanks
Trading System
Jan 07, 2011 at 20:41
Happy New Year to allQuick update: I am waiting for Andrea (developer of Crescendo) to release a revised version of Crescendo which will address an issue with the Trend Finding code. I have not had an issue with it myself but feel it best to wait for the new release.In the meantime I am running a live account where I am trialing the much publicised LeoTrader Pro. You can follw that here if you are interested: tradingGraham
EuroBlaster 7.3
Trading System
Jan 03, 2011 at 23:45
Hi and Happy New YearThis EA took a break over the Festive season to avoid the issues with Low Volumes.I have set it lose again today 4th Jan 2011 :)Let's see what it can doHappy Trading :)Graham
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