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2nd Showcase Account
Trading System
May 19, 2011 at 21:44
Any updates on this and if your not selling it does that mean you are giving it away?
Trading System
May 19, 2011 at 21:34
back in profit but for how long? Is this still running?
cresendo 1.3
Trading System
Jan 10, 2011 at 12:07
looking at your wins and losses I would say you have not set thsi up correctly are you sure you set it for 30% drawdown as your losses seem tiny in consideration to your wins?
Trading System
Dec 15, 2010 at 17:54
hiSee its still doing well, I have been trialing the 1.3 and it works much better there are no rogue trades and it 1.2 use to crash my VPS every other day hence the rogue trades I think.for the last 12 or so days it didnt close any profit as it went into a draw down of 450 but that was on a 5k demo account it has now closed them all with the 20 profit.I let my VPs lapse recently think I will have to set another one up early next year when I return from vacation but I still think its quite expensive unless I use at least 2k as a starting balance.Graham have you withdrawn cash again and did you ...
Trading System
Oct 24, 2010 at 15:31
Yes I have V1.2 it could be something to do with the VPS I am still trying to sort it out before I go live.This big swing is really going to test this EA for sure, if it blows 30% in the 1st 2 months it will be questioned considerably since there was only one on there live demo in so many years.Good luck with the turn around I think its coming tooPhil
Trading System
Oct 19, 2010 at 20:07
I havent gone live yet I am wondering what happens when my demo keeps buying and it keeps going in the opposite direction will it ALWAYS buy or at some point in time will it sell too?Funny thing happend on my VPS too I opened it and found MT was minimised and would not open to full screen so I closed it then re-opened it and found 2 trades on G/U had closed both for a loss any ideas?Phil
Trading System
Oct 10, 2010 at 23:09
Hi Graham, Thnaks for the responseInitial Balance: 1,000 (this NOT adjusted for £) Apparently this should be adjusted too according to the websiteOrder Stop: 60 - found out this is the reason for there being 4 trades so there must be at least 60 pips between the £/Y trades as when it calculates again if its greater than 60 will add another in the same direction.Lot Size: 0.01Risk Percent: 1.0 - I see you using the MM setting so is it not trading 0.1 lot I will have to check back when finished sending thsi response.Max Total DD: 25.0 (=25% of £1,000 (initial Balance)) I se...
Trading System
Oct 10, 2010 at 01:57
yes it likes high volitility, once you are in this mode you should modify the setting and get it to trade more frequently say 6 hours, then switch off when volitility slows down. Difficult to predict unless some one has any idea how we could see a trend of volitility and have a signal to tell us when its finished and ideas?
Trading System
Oct 09, 2010 at 19:09
I note you have 4 trades open on £/JPY, the most I have ever seen opened is 2 on either pairs, could you explain how that might of occured?Thanks againPhil
Trading System
Oct 09, 2010 at 18:53
Graham,thanks for the live account especially the full access to look at history etc I hate it when people lock half the stuff and think what is the point showing it if your going to hide all the data...Anyway, can I ask if you have it set on 12hr trading as in takes one trade every 12hrs and if so what time does this generally occur on your platform?I have bought this too and just downloaded the upgrade to 1.1 version but since using this it has crashed my meta trader a couple of times last week on demo account and I think this is happening when it has opened 2 trades same pair and is trying ...
Forex Cresendo
Trading System
Oct 08, 2010 at 08:25
one more thing if your using a £ account there is a furhter calculation to do to set your profit level also on the website
Forex Cresendo
Trading System
Oct 08, 2010 at 08:22
Well it was not mentioned in the manual but on their website that you need to change the profit in your case to 3.6 x 4 = $14.4 the reason you are not in profit is you have the profit setting too high!The example they give is for $1000 account you use 0.1 lot and the profit per trade would be $4 so if the account balalnce is higher you jsut need to change the settings accordingly.To ask for $100 profit a trade is a lot of pip movement on 0.3 lots so you may have had wins here rather than it go into a lossI am testing and not had a single loss yet apart from where it had 2 trades on same curren...
Forex Cresendo
Trading System
Oct 07, 2010 at 21:18
Also how did you back test thsi system as it will not trade unless you have both charts open so they say you cannot actually do the back test.
Forex Cresendo
Trading System
Oct 07, 2010 at 21:17
FXDF yes I noticed that too, if only 1000 deposit should leave at 4 but as is 10,000 should be 40$ profit setting.I have been testing thsi and it does seem to never lose occasional will open 2 trades but I have it to trade every 6 hours, when it opens 2 trades it will close one as a loss but overall will make the $40 total when closing the two trades.They do have a setting of 30% drawn down but reckon it would only happen if the markets went berserk.Still no losses for me yet either I am thinking of going live with it and if I do will post on here.Phil
Trading System
Apr 01, 2010 at 00:11
yes but could of happened on the 1st trade jsut as easy too
Trading System
Mar 31, 2010 at 17:51
how is the recent trend going to be explained now its seems to have gone all bad?
Trading System
Mar 27, 2010 at 11:07
I suppose the sucess of thsi ea is to do with broker when you are scalping 2 or 3 pips a trade another broker may slip you one more less.Sorry to Ask is thsi a live account and do you get the occassional too busy on Alpari uk i use to get alot of them?
Any experience with Rent a Signal service?
Mar 11, 2010 at 20:49
If these services were calculated on performance they would be worth a try, it costs them nothing to sit there all day and decide what trades to get you in or out of so if they could set up something where they gaurantee you X pips a month or the fee is waived they I jsut might be interested. This way you know that if you are charged a monthly fee as they have acheived say 100 pips you know you have it covered but to pay on months were they break even just makes no sense irrespective if the previous month they acheved double there publised perfomance levels.We are already risking our money wit...
Trading System
Mar 10, 2010 at 21:57
looks good but there seems to be no mouth behind the person who put it up here.
Trading System
Mar 04, 2010 at 19:02
give me a copy I will test it live ?
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