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NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 18, 2012 at 20:07
Hi Adam,Please check your PM. Thanks.
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 18, 2012 at 17:07
Hi Adam,Thanks. I put the file into the correct location, and I am able to attache the EA.However, next error:secure EURUSD,M1: function ‘GetLotSize’ is not foundSo far I am getting issues after issues :)
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 18, 2012 at 16:53
No Worry James, So far you did not missed anything.
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 18, 2012 at 15:41
Hi Adam,Yes, correct, I will post in in the forum.But again, I was thinking that this EA is better debugged.So far, I am having issue with currency noted with prefix. Your EA clearly state on the chart that it wont work with.On the other hand, with another broker, It complain about my username and password while the one I entered is correct.Third, in the log I saw that your EA looking for secure.ex4 in experts folder while your installer installed that secure.ex4 into librariesSo ok, that was my last post here regarding the issue, I will go to the forum.
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 18, 2012 at 15:31
Sorry for the spam.The file secure.ex4 is installed int C:\RoboForex\experts\libraries while the EA looking for it in the experts folder
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 18, 2012 at 15:30
Oki, For the error "Cannot open file 'C:\RoboForex\experts\secure.ex4' on the EURUSD,M1" I know what is wrong.Simple, the installer did not installed that file, at least not into this location.
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 18, 2012 at 15:28
On another pc with another broker, exactly the same issue:15:23:28 SuperScalperEA - Build4: loaded successfully15:24:04 SuperScalperEA - Build4 inputs: MagicNumber=585169; MaxAvSpread=3; PendingStopClearance=5; RiskPercentage=3; MaxLots=10; FixedLots=0.01; 15:24:04 2011.01.03 00:00 SuperScalperEA - Build4 EURUSD,M1: ########################################################################15:24:04 2011.01.03 00:00 SuperScalperEA - Build4 EURUSD,M1: Connecting to server...15:24:04 2011.01.03 00:00 SuperScalperEA - Build4 EURUSD,M1: Updating settings from server....15:24:07 2011.01.03 00:00 Ca...
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 18, 2012 at 15:21
Hi,I got the EA delivered.So far there are only bugs. When Guardian is already installed, as far I see the installer create some confusion.Once I have uninstalled my guardian and reinstalled the EA, finally EA can be attached to the chart.Then an error pop up saying that my currency notation not ok. I am using IamFX with EURUSDiamThen in the log I see:15:16:54 SuperScalperEA - Build4: loaded successfully15:17:19 SuperScalperEA - Build4 inputs: MagicNumber=585169; MaxAvSpread=3; PendingStopClearance=5; RiskPercentage=3; MaxLots=10; FixedLots=0.01; 15:17:19 2011.01.03 00:00 SuperScalperEA - Bui...
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 18, 2012 at 12:57
Is there any update on when the EA will be delivered for these who paid already?
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 16, 2012 at 12:18
Yeah, I have downloaded FXPIG and checked that trade. Actually it is true. Price was at that level, so sorry guys, I was worry too much since I saw the post of that trade :)Have a nice weekend everyone.
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 16, 2012 at 12:08
Thanks for this info. I think in the post of Homer, the issue is not the 0 sec trade, but the market price show at the given time.But now, it make me think that the time shown in the history might be not GMT so Homer might be wrong here :) I hope so. :)
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 16, 2012 at 12:05
Yeah, I am not worry about the 100AUD, I am just worry to see some other scam :)Anyway, true, will see next week.
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 16, 2012 at 12:04
Hehe, that is true :)
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 16, 2012 at 11:38
This is correct.Also if you check that Homer post, is posted few hours ago and still no comment from the vendor.So let say, he selling 100AUD for 100 User, I am not sure how many of us paid already but I think 100 payment will be reached really fast.So, in his PayPal 10K will be sitting, and no update is sent? Strange. On the other side, I still getting marketing mail from them.I know, I might be simply not patient but wit all so called EA we have purchased and tested, I am certainly not confident when vendor accept payments, but no regular update are given, not even for the PM sent trough MyF...
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 16, 2012 at 11:24
Yeah, you are right.I am still worry about what Homer posted. Is that can be true? The fact is that really, 2 account from 3 vendor posted is not verified at all. So are the data displayed are real? Especially the one with the real account?
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 16, 2012 at 11:15
Dear All,Did anyone get an update regarding this EA?I did not got any, not even for my PM I have sent with the requested details. So I think I will go for the REFUND request if there is no update in acceptable time-frame.
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 16, 2012 at 09:23
Hi Adam,Is there any update on the EA delivery? I have sent the email as you requested in your post, I have also sent you a PM but nothing so far.On the other hand, do you have any comments on Homer post?
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 15, 2012 at 22:21
Hi Adam,Can you do a favor please?From the 3 link you have posted lately about demo and real accounts, only the demo account is verified.Can you please make sure that the real account also get Track Record Not Verified and Trading Privileges Not Verified ?Thank you.
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 15, 2012 at 17:13
Hi,Thanks for the update.No, no need refund :) As I have told you, I really want to test your EA, and the price you asked for it is acceptable.Thanks again.
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Trading System
Mar 15, 2012 at 16:28
Hi, I have paid trough PayPal, I also sent the mail and private message to you, so far I did not even got a confirmation that you got that mail or not.Any update please or at least a confirmation?Thanks.
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