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Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Jan 26, 2012 at 17:51
Hi Ryan,Thanks for the link to your account on Mti4i. It's too early to say whether this pair/settings will be viable but I'll keep my eye on it.I am also live with FH using a copier copying the trades (at market) from my long-term Alpari UK demo. Liink is http://www.myfxbook.com/members/rsmereka/forex-hackedc/218967Rick
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Jan 20, 2012 at 13:53
Plese don't double-post it is very poor netiquette (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netiquette). Most people would not even bother to answer you with that kind of behavior.You also don't bother to read. The answer to your question is contained in the thread of each MyFXBook account. Read both threads and the answer will be obvious.Rick
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Dec 21, 2011 at 21:56
Yep,All my trading closed down until opening bell on Jan 2 as per http://www.pipcop.com/forums/member-trading-journals/171-rsmereka-trading-journal-104.html posts 1039-1041.Happy Holidays,Rick
Trading Systems
Dec 15, 2011 at 17:17
I am just assessing the viability of other persons' settings. Changing the settings defeats that purpose. I never manually interfere with an EA's trades. Unless I completely understand the trading logic (which I don't) and can trade manually as good as or better than the EA (which I cannot), I don't interfere.Rick
Trading Systems
Dec 12, 2011 at 14:50
Taken from conversation http://www.pipcop.com/forums/current-live-robot-reviews/411-forex-hacked.html set file is in post #189. I modified it by lowering MaxBuyOrders and MaxSellOrders from 12 to 9. Current set file is:User=_________=Magic Number Must be UNIQUE for each chart!MagicNumber=133714Lots=0.01000000TakeProfit=75.00000000Booster=1.70000000PipStarter=21MaxBuyOrders=9MaxSellOrders=9AllowiStopLoss=0iStopLoss=300StartHour=0StartMinute=0StopHour=0StopMinute=55StartingTradeDay=0EndingTradeDay=7slippage=3allowTrending=1trendTrigger=3trendPips=5trendStoploss=5StopLossPct=75.00000000TakeProfit...
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Nov 30, 2011 at 16:26
Hi Ryan,Something goofy with MyFXBook I think. My other accounts are updating fine. MetaTrader shows publishing properly. Have re-started MetaTrader, no joy. Reported as a bug.Rick
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Nov 25, 2011 at 19:11
Just so you know,I will never put Forex Hacked on a live account. The craziness in the EA this week taught me that this EA cannot be trusted. I have four Hacked demo's going, the Alpari UK account and three (3) FXPrimus accounts. The FXPrimus accounts were opened within seconds of each other. I made sure of that. Two of the FXPrimus demo's went into deep DD and the third encountered almost no DD at all. What's up with that? This tell's me that the performance is highly variable and the live account may bear no resemblance to the demo.In terms of profitability, the FXPrimus vari...
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Nov 19, 2011 at 03:17
Yes,GoMarkets has a floating leverage but it floats according to the account equity, not the lots in play like Alpari and a lot of other brokers.If you look at my demo, it happened 5 times since the start of the account where the entire basket was dumped at a loss and Hacked starts a new basket. May 11, Aug 29, Oct 13, Oct 21 and Nov 11. These were all losing days. AFAIK, this is the only situation where Hacked closes the basket at a loss. That's the issue everyone is facing where Hacked will not give up even if the basket goes into deep DD. With allowTrending, the basket is dumped before,...
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Nov 19, 2011 at 01:49
I don't know what the stop loss is. My values are allowTrending True, trendTrigger 3, trendPips 5, trendStoploss 5. The trendStoploss is not the number of pips in DD before closing the basket.Rick
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Nov 19, 2011 at 01:45
Hi RyanGood to hear that.Rick
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Nov 17, 2011 at 00:41
The trouble is that Alpari UK demo's are sweetened to look really nice and you cannot possibly trade Hacked live with them due to their stupid lot size restrictions unless you have 50K to start for a classic account.Rick
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Nov 17, 2011 at 00:38
Hi Ryan,Sorry to hear about your current floating DD. I have been there so I know exactly how it feels.The Forex Hacked developer recommended settings and lot sizes are suicidal IMHO. I noticed much lower DD with PS 21, Bst 1.7. I was originally running with max orders 12 but reduced this to 9. The only other thing I am doing which most do not is I have allowTrending on which will cause Hacked to dump the entire basket at a loss if things get too hairy. That is why you see the occasional day (5 so far on this account) that closed at a loss. No way 3K is enough even at 0.01 lots. I am using 5K ...
Trading Systems
Nov 07, 2011 at 21:40
Hi,Can you tell me the settings you are using on this account?Thanks,Rick
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Oct 31, 2011 at 13:53
Forex Hacked runs on the H1 chart.Rick
Real-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Oct 01, 2011 at 02:36
Genial Invest EARick
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Aug 29, 2011 at 22:05
Forex Hacked period is high risk. I am using 0.01 lot per 5K. I started at 5K with 0.01 lot. At 10K, I moved to 0.02 lot.Rick
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Aug 26, 2011 at 23:14
John,You are very welcome.Rick
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Aug 25, 2011 at 20:17
John,You need to update the data from the 'History Center' so you have all of the data on file. Goto the menu item Tools->History Center or just press F2. On the left side of the history center double-click on GBPUSD and then single-click on H1 and click on the 'Download' button. It may take a while to download all of the missing data. The other thing you need to do is to check 'Use date' in the strategy tester and select what start date and what end date you want. With Forex Hacked running on the H1 chart, you should easily be able to run a 10+ year backtest. Th...
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Aug 25, 2011 at 12:41
John,It is a Martingale money management system. You have to use very strict control over the lot size. No more than one micro (0.01) per 5K. To be extra safe, even more than that (one micro per 6-10K). When I did some sample backtests, I also got blow ups anytime I exceeded 5K per micro. Indeed, depending on which month you started the backtest, sometimes the account would blow at 5K per micro.This is why a lot of people stay away from Martingale based systems. I still think this strategy has merit because it uses Martingale in combination with hedging but I am no where near where I would put...
Forex Hacked-Alpari UK
Trading Systems
Aug 24, 2011 at 15:07
John,Yes, I am running version 2.3 (even though the set file says version 2.2)When creating a demo account, the leverage says 100:1 but this is wrong if you do the calculations. Alpari UK leverage is floating. It starts at 500:1 and lowers at larger lot sizes. Here is their explaination http://www.alpari.co.uk/en/customer_service/account_management/floating_leverage.html Demo accounts act the same way.Other parameters? The way I am running all of my MetaTrader accounts. The VPS I am using etc is documented in my trading journal post #1 http://www.pipcop.com/forums/member-trading-journals/171-r...
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