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Posts by forex_trader_16715
Trading Systems
Sep 14, 2010 at 09:33
Yeah, Just another shady broker. But if the trader can make a profit and pull the profits out... its still a method to a means. Definitely not a place where you want all your funds.🙄
Trading Systems
Sep 14, 2010 at 09:31
Finally received the funds.. I was going to leave some funds and keep this account going, but it is time to move on..
Trading Systems
Sep 14, 2010 at 09:01
Believe it or not. people actually want to use Instaforex, for these reasons.30% welcome bonus13% Annual returnAnd for me...... Well you know how I feel about Insta....Strategy-I am still using S/R and price action. I will be using iDraw. I will be placing some longterm trades. I will use a Stoploss.Occasionally, I will place a Scalp with a decent lot size. Bucket Shop Brokers still accept US citizens :-0I did receive my Profits from the first run at Instaforex. Insta PAMM is a solid system and you can join with little effort. Heck why not.. Its just $30 bucks.
Dukascopy Bridge
Trading Systems
Sep 10, 2010 at 12:10
Ok.. So I see your point and I am on board with this idea as well. I also prefer to trade manually with Jforex, I've talked to my brother and he said he can do this. PM me...
$1000 to $1,000,000,000
New Traders
Sep 10, 2010 at 12:08
Thanks Steve.. I have some interesting news too.. Its very exciting. 😄
$1000 to $1,000,000,000
New Traders
Sep 10, 2010 at 11:51
Ok- This week I am at 100pips and almost at 10% gain this week. I may take another scalp in US session, to make a 10% gain.http://www.myfxbook.com/members/pipinvestment1/central-bank-shop-vac-x2/48382
Dukascopy Bridge
Trading Systems
Sep 09, 2010 at 17:38
interesting.. yeah we actually had built a Mt4 trade copier that would read from a text doc.. So your trying to force trade calls from Jforex into Mt4? Why?
Trading Systems
Sep 09, 2010 at 16:23
Info: and Comments about Dukascopy MT4 Bridge: Purpose: To display your trading activity on Myfxbookl for Dukascopy users.*Dukascopy Jforex can communicate with Metatrader through a bridge. Therefore, you can make all your trades on a Demo or live Metatrader platform and your trades will automatically be executed into your dukascopy platform. *By using this bridge, you can monitor your statistics through Myfxbook. I would recommend using a ECN MT4 platform like ATC Brokers, and just use their Demo account for the bridge. As of right now, its the best solution.
$1000 to $1,000,000,000
New Traders
Sep 08, 2010 at 11:24
Thanks for spending the time to contribute. I'll get back to you on this... Compounding is Crazy isn't it?
$1000 to $1,000,000,000
New Traders
Sep 08, 2010 at 09:37
Exactly. For every trade you put on, you need to determine HOW much you are willing to lose.. If the loss is greater than the return and your accuracy is under 90%, you should not take the trade and wait for a better opportunity. Just because we may have a goal of 20 a day, does not mean we have to risk 100 pips to gain the 20 pips. That is foolish, but unfortunately, I see traders exercising this concept. HOPE and HOLD> Thats not planning, thats ending your career prematurely.. OK back to trading...
$1000 to $1,000,000,000
New Traders
Sep 08, 2010 at 09:32
Having goals in life adds motivation and creates a pathway to success. Without laying out some sort of structure, you cannot justify if you are on track or not. This is only an agenda and forecast of what we should be focusing on. Just like a business, planning and building a solid foundation is the most important aspect. Most businesses fail within the first few years because of poor management and lack of capital. Now lack of capital is normally caused from the first problem- Poor management. In order to have enough capital for long term expenditures and potential growth, we need to plan for...
Offering my trading services
Sep 08, 2010 at 08:56
10 days of Trading LIVE at Oanda and your Back on a Demo account.. Do I need to say anymore?
Trading Systems
Sep 06, 2010 at 16:45
Yes Ser01, You said it... Its all about screen time. I've used TIck charts for a very long Time. I enjoy scalping because I can earn a nice return quickly without much market exposure. Swing trading with 50-100 stoplosses often lead to unnecessary market exposure, unavailable margin, and success is dependent on Risk/reward, patience, and probability. Scalping successfully is also dependent on these 3 keys factors, however, I have little market exposure and fast turn around. The videos below are only for promotional purposes only and you will not learn anything. Scalping NONFARM Payroll.htt...
Broker that offer mini account and MAM platform
Experienced Traders
Sep 06, 2010 at 16:18
Do I really need to state the obvious again? Try them out, InstaForex requote you all the time. Their servers fail at News, ..Their Spreads are not competitive It was a nightmare. I was pissed to lose my $$$ with this broker, so I found a way to help avoid the requotes and I earned my $$ back slowly but surely.The Balance/Equity Curve is Unpleasant. But I made a Profit. The last decline in the equity was from me withdrawing all the funds, then I was issued a bonus or interest or something, and I made a few more trades with $20 of equity. The worst broker I have tried yet.However, I am an ag...
2nd Showcase Account
Trading Systems
Sep 05, 2010 at 20:57
Thank you, You should add some more details on the Description of System includingSuggested Capital investment:Performance Fee:penalties for early departure:LeverageOne aspect that I love about Insta's PAMM is real Equity Drawdown. We as investors/traders can see the Risk in Martingale as well as see the recovery stage. Your largest gains are often after a significant drawdown. Did you need to add more funds in March on the #7011928 to prevent a margin call, or did the 1000:1 allow a recovery?It really looks like you may reach 100% within 1 year. I've seen Martingale work for 2 years i...
2nd Showcase Account
Trading Systems
Sep 05, 2010 at 19:24
What is your PAMM link. acc#
2nd Showcase Account
Trading Systems
Sep 05, 2010 at 18:37
Throw this on Insta's PAMM.Martingale is dangerous, but it looks stable for short term!
Broker that offer mini account and MAM platform
Experienced Traders
Sep 05, 2010 at 18:33
https://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/25k-gain-closed/44734Read my system page comments. It will give you an honest run down on Instaforex. I only used them for a month, but that was enough for an honest review.
Tubbies Wave
Trading Systems
Sep 04, 2010 at 08:57
It looks like the News Releases on Friday worked out in Our favor. 😄I see that your equity is Increasing. Nice job indeed. I have a Rainbow template that I made for Mt4 that consists of Only moving averages(small to large EMA open-Hi/low-Median). For the most part, a Group of Moving averages does keep us in the right direction, but volatility often fakes us out when following moving averages. However, with some dedicated screen time, EMA do keep us on track.
Trading Systems
Sep 03, 2010 at 21:46
My first disconnect was on a AUD PMI news release, Instaforex servers were down for a total of 9 minutes. Unbearable to say the least. Since Instaforex offers the fixed spreads, News Traders often look for these brokers to make a fast buck, but from the repeated disconnects at News, Instaforex can their own way of preventing Easy Money.I also encountered 10-20 Second delays on FXOPEN this morning on the NON-Farm. I also encountered 2 requotes With the 10 second delays in between the Reqoutes as I tried to close my GBPJPY LONGS..... So FXopen is also using the Broker Plugin- The MT4 broker plu...
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