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Trading Systems
Jan 28, 2021 at 16:44
You have brokers that are offshore due to leverage and to accept more clients, but those offshore regions are semi-regulated and established trustworthiness. While here we just know the trading here is impossible. You can't have such low DD with profit made period... This broker is registered in a house that has one mailbox, where more than 100 such offshore companies are registered...
Trading Systems
Jan 28, 2021 at 16:41
No most definitely it wasn't the broker, they went bust... It was the compensation fund, that each broker pays if they want to be licensed by the regulator... So again regulation matters, they enforce safety to traders.
Trading Systems
Jan 28, 2021 at 16:30
I had accounts at several regulated brokers that "run" away by your logic and I got every penny back by the compensation scheme... So yes regulation matters...
Trading Systems
Jan 28, 2021 at 12:44
When is the IPO with Warren investing millions in it?
iRobot demo showcase (closed)
Trading Systems
Jan 26, 2021 at 18:39
I migrated to live accounts successfully, so the demo will probably be stopped since all can track my live accounts.
iRobot demo showcase (closed)
Trading Systems
Jan 10, 2021 at 15:02
It has, so what? The point is to test it and as said it's all about risk and balance. I can do it with 1/10th of risk. What is important is R:R... The closer to 1 the better and this one is pretty close...
iRobot demo showcase (closed)
Trading Systems
Jan 10, 2021 at 14:31
I trade better than 99%of traders since 95% of traders fail and maybe 5% make a profit and of those, they don't have good returns. The 1% that are better I congratulate and learn from them. You might not like the DD but profit is profit. Have I blown accounts? Sure I have. In 2015 in January I lost it all due to black swan, I was even in debt, but I moved over it and continue to trade and so this is what matters. You won't find many real traders that have accounts longer than a few months... I have no idea what do you want to achieve here? Do you want to insult me or promote that you ...
iRobot demo showcase (closed)
Trading Systems
Jan 10, 2021 at 14:11
That is correct, I had only 1 month with 40%, then I had 3 that are over 50% and 1 losing month and 2 that were 35%+ and all on the demo, true... This is my strategy on iRobot and I test it. So not sure what are we talking about. If you want to talk about my real account then you can see all are over 100%... The DD may not be for your liking, but it's ok for me since it's my money not yours...
iRobot demo showcase (closed)
Trading Systems
Jan 10, 2021 at 13:50
True, but I also make 40% a month which 99% of traders can't make... So my R:R is close to 1:1... I can easily have it also 1/10 of risk, so 4% profit and 5% DD it's just a matter of balance and risk preference...
iRobot demo showcase (closed)
Trading Systems
Jan 09, 2021 at 17:56
there is no cent account on ICM... This system needs 4k min to trade and I prefer to see how it behaves on cent first and then go to ECN once all is well tested. Plus Alpari has copy trade, so you can copy it inside the broker without any slippage. It works like a PAM and I get a performance fee and min. deposit is 100€, much better than to risk 4k. This system won't be available to copy, firstly due to slippage and secondly, users tend to resell signals.
iRobot demo showcase (closed)
Trading Systems
Jan 09, 2021 at 12:44
Yes, demo ICMarkets has max. limit of 200 open trades, live has 1000, once I saw I restarted and changed parameters to 200. There is also a different time that real started, so trades are opening at different quotes, plus spread and so on... In the longterm, they should match each other, but for now, it's different. Time will show, that is why I test it on cent, once I am happy I will upgrade or in worse case, I can copy from demo to real.
iRobot demo showcase (closed)
Trading Systems
Jan 06, 2021 at 07:47
I tested a lot of systems and none could make 40% per month consistently like I do now. Also it's live now and it works, so let's see how it goes. And this is a mixed system not fully automated.
Anthony Wins
Trading Systems
Dec 12, 2020 at 09:48
Yes, you can trust the UK (FCA), EU (ESMA, FINMA), Australia (ASIC) and USA (CFTC, NFA) those are proper regulators, that you can trust. All the rest are not properly monitored and therefore the broker under such "regulators" are just on paper, no audit, no visits nothing to protect traders in such jurisdictions. How does a broker earn if they offer 0 spread? Easily they charge commissions... You can also reduce the cost of commission if you use rebate programs. But just to know brokers pay about 5$ per 1 million and they charge us 5-7$ per 100k, so here is how they get paid... On st...
iRobot demo showcase (closed)
Trading Systems
Dec 10, 2020 at 19:37
@foxblade98 I have put it on live, so once I get more history you will be able to copy it. You can track the live performance here - https://www.myfxbook.com/members/oportunis/irobot/7541175
Trading Systems
Dec 03, 2020 at 22:39
Not sure what you mean. You can see my accounts on my profile. I trade for me. If you meant what strategy I use, then unfortunately I won't share specifics since this is my know how. You can send me a private message if you want to know some basic concept and also to avoid spamming this thread here which is about RoFx.
Trading Systems
Dec 03, 2020 at 08:47
I'm waiting for your account to compare.I made 100% a year without them several times on regulated reputable brokers... And trust me the DD under 1% it's not possible in forex unless you risk so low that the profit is also 3% a year. Nobody in the world has a perfect entry and even if you use SL you get in a losing streak and thus some months are at a loss. Here we don't see this plus it's not regulated so all claims are not verified and audited.
Trading Systems
Dec 02, 2020 at 16:28
Sure show us your account so we can see... You can check mine anytime on my profile... And it's not about you, but to average Joe here, that doesn't know how it works. This is not the first time I warn people. There were Thorex, gulden5, safeinvest, AnthonyWins... and many more I can't remember all and guess what? All were on some unregulated offshore broker...
Trading Systems
Nov 27, 2020 at 15:48
You need to warn them because most investors are not high-end investors boot poor or middle struggling class that is hoping for the better life and they are lured into this trap and they gain confidence and invest money they cannot afford to lose. It's happening again and again. Here at least we can warn them and hopefully prevent some investors to blindly trust and deposit their life savings.
Anthony Wins
Trading Systems
Nov 26, 2020 at 14:16
Lol, I have nothing to do with ICMarkets I care a "rat's ass" about them. I use them because they have the lowest spread that's all and I had 4 complaints with them which they solved with refunding me due to their servers crashing. But they solved it and admitted their fault, otherwise, I would complain to the regulator, which with the unregulated broker you can't do...Second I used PAM and MAM accounts and I know exactly how they work. One is percent allocation other is lot allocated and both can unplug the slave account at any time. There is no effect on the master acco...
Anthony Wins
Trading Systems
Nov 25, 2020 at 17:21
There is talk about the unregulated brokers, and if you lock even for 10 days it means it's not what regulated brokers have. You can withdraw your funds the second you deposit in, with no lock-in period. ICMarket is regulated, it's just one of the popular reputable brokers I mention, they can have bad reviews but they will not cheat you out of money with some scheme. You can easily lose it with them too if you have no idea how to trade, like 90% of users. However, they are regulated by ASIC and are audited regularly, so the numbers they produce are legit. Accent forex has nothing. The ...
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