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Seeking partner for setting up a FX High-Frequency Trading Desk
Dec 23, 2011 at 16:34
Great stuff, keep on good work :)
Trading Systems
Dec 23, 2011 at 16:21
not bad. keep on good work.
i need an urgent programmer to help modify my gold trading EA
Dec 23, 2011 at 15:51
Actually this behaviour has good points - I can see this EA adds to winning trades and cuts from losing ones - you can see it from raising volumes on raising profits and dropping volumes on losses. But it does so in somewhat extreme manner.However this backtest with unknown quality indicate nothing - back test it on tick data first with 99% quality before loading the guns.
Seeking partner for setting up a FX High-Frequency Trading Desk
Dec 23, 2011 at 10:17
I think the easiest way for your strategy to justify when to stop trading is to look at the order book and validate nearby liquidity let's say within 1-2 points (i.e.4-8 ticks) and compare with an average liquidity level 10,30,60 seconds ago for example. If it's dried down 2-3 times or more - smash the brakes. Way better than trying to analyse spread which is not indicative in futures whatsoever.
Seeking partner for setting up a FX High-Frequency Trading Desk
Dec 23, 2011 at 09:43
But slippage would be. In case of episodic volatility ("spot news") all jump on the same bandwagon, e.g. all are buying, so if you want to buy too, there will be no one to sell to you, but quite far away. And price discovery mechanism will give you terrible slippage in many cases, unless the move is so violent that CME will apply circuit breaker and reject trades. Especially in ES, the most HFT-traded security ever, where perhaps 90% of trading is done by HFT.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Dec 23, 2011 at 07:07
Anyone has an experience with Oddbot and Forex Combo EURO? Saw it at the Birt's site, looks good. As usual interested more in a strategy than a bot itself to reprogram for a private use on non-MT4.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Dec 23, 2011 at 00:12
Just keep looking on the trading and expert log for the errors, watch speed data too. If it's getting bad, open up more accounts at this and another brokers. Diversifying broker risk is always good. MF Global stands as an example and not the first one.
Seeking partner for setting up a FX High-Frequency Trading Desk
Dec 22, 2011 at 22:14
Ideas sharing, development of algos, closed algo trading community, retail section for few algos for MT4 to be sold, and section for co-located trade signal providing from a portfolio of weighted-risk algos, or an option for a PAMM money management. I have a company behind it and few bright minds working already on the first product. Just need to prioritize, so much of stuff is happening same time. And I am full time trading manually too.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Dec 22, 2011 at 22:04
Well, I had one of those big lot days too, but it was a losing day as move was bad (EFSF 1 Tr rumour when most of us lost bad) and TF refused modifications of my bigger lots (5-9 full lots per position) resulted in delays and some of the trades hitting 20 pips stop loss.. I learned quite a bit that day and prevented it from happening again but I did not feel any good treatment for trading big. Same experience with Oanda and Alpari. You go bigger lots - you get delays, rejected modifications, etc.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Dec 22, 2011 at 14:32
AFAIK he did not provide with an IB link so hardly any. But I checked and saw it is a whitelabel of AC Markets, supposedly Swiss broker who had quite a bit of troubles last few years, had license revoked, and some police raid involved as per FPA. Spreads, commissions look good but..
Seeking partner for setting up a FX High-Frequency Trading Desk
Dec 21, 2011 at 13:55
Agree in part but I don't mind spending 2-3 hours a day on session open scalps and managing some end-of-day trades. Although I do believe algo will rule trading soon. It's quite substantial already.I have gotten Multitrader platform and demoing it. I have to say it's amazing, best platform I have seen to date including Ninja trader and ATC Trader for Futures, not mentioning JForex from Dukas, and crappy slow metatrader. Lovely software, mega powerfull and ideal for scalping. Similar but better equipped than Ninja, awesome looking.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Dec 21, 2011 at 12:54
I got some profits today too. Did not offset yet the losses from December but nearly flat. I switched off my VPSes and algorithms for the holidays after this trade. Merry Christmas people. HoHoHo!
Seeking partner for setting up a FX High-Frequency Trading Desk
Dec 21, 2011 at 11:13
That the way MT4 works - it doesn't work with positions rather with orders/tickets. It's a dealing desk oriented system. I am interested in regards to manual trading though, no intention to use MT4 for HFT stuff.
Seeking partner for setting up a FX High-Frequency Trading Desk
Dec 21, 2011 at 10:59
Alright. Thanks for the info. Yes I used off-the-shelf MDP bot with MT4 more to test and see, but now moving onto my own algos and with API as well.But do you refer that LMAX has MT4 or not? I haven't see this offering on their web, just some Multitrader in addition to crappy web trader.
Seeking partner for setting up a FX High-Frequency Trading Desk
Dec 21, 2011 at 10:54
But LMAX doesn't have MT4, correct? 60 a month is ok, with some traffic it's free as well. I was trading MDP at OANDA successfully, but once I made some 800 bucks in a matter of hour I started to get rejected orders on modifications right away. Created new account, started smaller, all fine, bigger orders coming through - got blocked again. Withdrawn in the end. Makes no sense for me.
Seeking partner for setting up a FX High-Frequency Trading Desk
Dec 21, 2011 at 10:38
20 ms sounds pretty fast, profi account mentions 100/sec rate update speed. Of course if you plan your HFT trading more of a market making type with all those iceberg-towing and elephant-pushing algos, sure it's not the one. Probably I need to check their API and maybe try it solely for algorithmic trading. I do trade manually too, probably this is not the best choice though. Too bad they don't offer an access to futures as well, only spot and cfd.
Seeking partner for setting up a FX High-Frequency Trading Desk
Dec 21, 2011 at 10:13
Ok. Can you share your experience and concerns about LMAX besides lot sizes? Basically what about theri multicharts and their proprietary API? I have never heard of them before actually. Worth looking deeper? Slippage? Ease of use of their API?
Seeking partner for setting up a FX High-Frequency Trading Desk
Dec 21, 2011 at 09:54
why on Earth you need to trade 1 units? Oanda is a market maker of it's purest form and hedges only overall exposure, they don't transmit orders anywhere, this is why they offer good speed. But when you start winning using scalping with Oanda they will do everything to block you as they will lose, since they don't hedge their short-term exposure only long term. That is the reasons of 50 pips spreads during news, that kills many technical positions too.Most interfaces good enough for HFT (FIX for example) trade minimum 1 lot, which is just fine if you ask me because you aren't s...
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Dec 20, 2011 at 18:59
November and December were pretty bad for most trading methods based on trending (FGB) or mean-reversion (MDP) strategies. However it was possible to trade manually position-based. But not for faint-hearted, as setting any meaningful stop loss would result in stopping out on constant episodic volatility. So the key is adaptiveness and modest leverage in these times.
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Dec 17, 2011 at 10:46
I have 2 ms. It does not help if broker executes modifications 2000 ms on average.
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