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Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 03, 2013 at 09:08
too stupid to know ... you must be an old low paid worker that comes home all stinky and thinks they are all there 😎
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 03, 2013 at 09:04
nah idiot I got no sensitivity towards monkeys like you and your kind 😀You low life make me laugh after all what else can I do
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 03, 2013 at 09:02
not as big a laugh as you low life hence why you got nothing
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 03, 2013 at 08:58
Your either very stupid, very dumb or can't read well...hmmm lets see your all of them lol.I did say I closed my account to suspicious broker activities idiot, but it wasn't at a loss fool. However you look at it the account opened was much more than yours and lost nothing compared to you loser. So don't go noticing too much low life because I also said I didn't trade it idiot lolYou sure are stupidity at it's best!
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 03, 2013 at 05:37
So let me get this right ... you trade for others but don't trade for yourself yes? You haven't made a cent for yourself from your own trading hence why you trade other accounts, is what you are saying yes? And everyone is coming to you and asking you to trade millions lol right?Yet when I asked you to show me records of your two year live performance you couldn't? I suppose you got some made up figures on your website right?Please do fix up my errors you and that idiot ironfag :D
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 02, 2013 at 14:03
Yea commissions which clearly indicates you're a salesman that is what you do best and that is you don't make money from trading you make it from selling. Go back to your 12hour day sales job before you start you losses and go looking for loans!
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 01, 2013 at 21:00
When dealing with monkeys one doesn't need to be armed, just carry a few banannas with me you fools.As for you Chris you stupid idiot if you make good money fool you wouldn't be here making claims and showing no proof you would be elsewhere probably on your daddy's lap.You two monkeys are obviously some of the 98% losers that hang around that have nothing and with nothing to do but brag about you 50 cents earning lol... you unemployed losers!
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 01, 2013 at 15:41
Unintelligible? Let me guess you went to Oxford right? Another loser claiming to be intellectual you dumb loser go find a better job.Your PAMM account is sitting at ya mummys desk where you left your brains at birth mister long tempr lol :)
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 01, 2013 at 14:44
Ironman Ironman... you have yet to encounter a trader with short tempter aye lol It seems you are the one with short temper fool hence why you came at me in the first place. So if I want to call someone a fool I will no that I call everyone that only the idiots like yourself or self proclaimed gurus and are the failures of life like yourself again!The only comma I place is the one clogging your brains idiot.
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 01, 2013 at 14:29
WOW you actually waste time on what you think works for you on my accounts idiot, but I only use this facility for their stats not for idiots like you to criticise. Besides if you study that account you would have learnt something but like I always say you too stupid to see what is hidden behind the account.The account was stopped in profit and I closed it. The broker is a scammer! I moved on to the next. Anything else idiot?Unlike you and the rest of fools here I didn't offer any PAMM accounts or any scamming thing that are meaningless and have a very short shelf life.The account that mad...
EAFX-iq250plus NEW
Trading Systems
Jun 01, 2013 at 14:11
Your DD is equivalent to your monthly return as it should but nice consistency. Your AG is good because of the growth factor you have.
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 01, 2013 at 14:04
I'm not here to help idiot. I'm not your mummy or daddy to help simply because idiots like you will always listen to what they want and do as they please. So nothing can help you and the majority.As far as learning read what I said, idiots will only learn what they want and never the truth BECAUSE most times the truth hurts. Another words the losers of forex only listen to what makes them feel good rather than what's been said.If anyone made good money from forex they wouldn't be here! They would be making money.
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 01, 2013 at 07:08
Only to stupid people, because stupid people expect it to be the way they think it is!
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 01, 2013 at 05:36
Only to stupid people, because stupid people expect it to be the way they think it is!
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
Jun 01, 2013 at 04:47
and when you say "us all" you are referring to you all losers? So you've included yourself in that category which is good to see you've accepted reality. I can only laugh at you and the dollars you've made. It is a reflection of your education into the financial world and no matter how much a successful person will try to teach a low life they will never learn so I don't share wisdom only point out the obvious to dummys like you and your kind.
EAFX-iq250plus NEW
Trading Systems
May 26, 2013 at 14:31
Its a MARTINGALE which has been lucky to hold its position so far. I'm impressed before the storm kicks in!
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
May 26, 2013 at 07:54
When someone throws bullshit out one can only laugh at him what else you expect for one to cry at the con man... Now that cleeeeeeeon with his foolish remarks and a lack of mathematical understanding. Forex is just as much gambling as walking into a casino the only difference is one is online the other in a big room. But the odds of success are very similar especially when you lack understanding of brokers from STP to ECN including their virtual plug ins and other software they use etc. They live off your losses. So you can succeed if you're the broker! So lets all be come the honest broke...
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
May 26, 2013 at 07:00
He makes his money from charging people to be in his trading room hence why he is there 8-12 hours a day. Might as well get a job where the risk is zero lol
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
May 25, 2013 at 22:51
I tell you what why not start a PAMM account and let us invest in it for free since you give back so much lol....
Is forex gambling?
Experienced Traders
May 25, 2013 at 19:27
Let me guess you been doing this for less than 2 years right?
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