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Posts by forex_trader_155411
Hotsauce Portfolio (REAL)
Trading Systems
Feb 19, 2014 at 07:41
We are not in the guessing game hence we don't think about that but I am glad that you like how the portfolio recovered so far. Losses are part of the trading game and can not be avoided.
Feb 05, 2014 at 22:50
Pepperstons has a A and B book, they even say this in their terms of use! They are not true ECN either as they only forward market orders to the ECN grid, same is true for IC Markets.
Hotsauce Portfolio (REAL)
Trading Systems
Jan 29, 2014 at 08:53
Yes right now our Pepperstone live portfolio still consists only of 9 b3 setfiles which we developed ourself. We opened an IC Markets account last week which will run the same portfolio but here we can add a special scalper and our CFD model trading the US markets (Nazdaq, Russel2000). We prefer to trade the Naz but if we sense a strong speculative sentiment shown by the outperformance of small cap stocks than we will switch over to the russel2000. We might also include little VIX trades. But the VIX is highly volatile as it is a volatility related instrument itself so we will only trade a sma...
Hotsauce Portfolio (REAL)
Trading Systems
Jan 29, 2014 at 08:53
It is paramount to have a stop loss in place and if price hit that level you must have the discipline to cut your losses short to preserve your capital. Many traders with deep pockets think that they can somehow get out of the trade without the loss.The huge problem is that a drawdown is already a loss, the fact that it is still only on paper and not real doesn't change the fact that's a loss. Our mistake was to assume that the behaviour of commodity related pairs like the CAD pairs is determined mainly by the other currency in the pair. However the strong trend in CAD itself cause 3 o...
Hotsauce Portfolio (REAL)
Trading Systems
Jan 28, 2014 at 11:51
Upps sorry for the double post!
Hotsauce Portfolio (REAL)
Trading Systems
Jan 28, 2014 at 11:51
Yes we got 3 stop loss hits due to an overexposure to CAD related pairs. We learned our lesson and reduced the amount of "correlated" pairs across the board. We are totally fine with stop loss hits, however 3 packed together was something that I considered "unlikely" a month ago. We are all students of the markets and I am doing my homework to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again. v/rMartin
Hotsauce Portfolio (REAL)
Trading Systems
Jan 28, 2014 at 11:49
Yes we reduced our exposure to apparantely correlated pairs for both CAD and AUD. This reduces the number of EAs from 14 down to 10. And we are close to introduce a new EURNOK grid EA to complement the portfolio and increase diversification.Our upcoming newsletter contains some more information.
Blessing 3
Expert Advisors
Jan 24, 2014 at 17:50
And to make this clear, this is not a try to get you to tell me anything as the last thing I seek are tips from others. We should stop this to not go off topic as this thread should be about blessing3.
Blessing 3
Expert Advisors
Jan 24, 2014 at 17:50
You just reminded me why I usually avoid trading boards. You might be a good trader but your reactions shows me clearly that there is a lack of mental balance.
Blessing 3
Expert Advisors
Jan 24, 2014 at 14:20
Please stop stating the obvious as this makes a conversation too exhausting! Blessing when you download it is not a working trading system! You must buy setfiles or you can develop your own. Obviously every MT4 EA has parameters but most are not that customizable at all. Blessing is completly transparent and no indicators or mechanics are hidden. If you know such a tool please let me know because I am always seeking EAs which let me virtually develop my own stuff without coding myself.v/rMartin
Blessing 3
Expert Advisors
Jan 23, 2014 at 20:15
I guess I have to repeat is again, it is not a trading system! It is a tool which allows to develop a grid EA. There is no other such TOOL available which I know of. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
Blessing 3
Expert Advisors
Jan 23, 2014 at 11:39
To make this clear! There is no other product available for retail forex traders which compares with blessing3. The EA is extremly advanced and what is much more important it trades without any technical issues it got improved over the years and streamlined to a degree that it is as smooth at it gets. I know of no other vendor like www.jtatoday.com which develops sophisticated tools for traders which allow them to develop their own trading bot. While blessing3 is a grid based EA with many many additional risk and protection feature you can even run it as a single trader. Please to not compare ...
Blessing 3
Expert Advisors
Jan 17, 2014 at 08:17
We can't stress this enough! Blessing3 is a tool for traders to develop their own grid strategies and this process takes time as there are a lot of parameters. Trading with the default settings is like driving on the autobahn without brakes and your eyes closed...it may went well for a while until doesn't anymore.
Hotsauce Portfolio (REAL)
Trading Systems
Jan 09, 2014 at 21:01
We will see how the situation resolves in the hours/days ahead. All of the four CAD based pairs in our portfolio are now in a drawdown resulting in an all time high drawdown figure of 15%. Still not too much to worry about as our monthly growth % is roughly 25%.v/rMartin
Hotsauce Portfolio (REAL)
Trading Systems
Jan 08, 2014 at 10:57
Hi,yes Jalapeno is in a 15% drawdown right now, if it hits 50% it will realize it's loss, however that never happend in the backtest. It used it highest level of 7 7 times during the backtest and the max relative drawdown is 28%. Hence everything is normal and it is tading as backtestest should the drawdown exceed 28 or 30% than it would enter unknown territory unless that happend it is trading like normal. The setfile will not open a higher level than 7, after that it will just wait. It is normal that it hit level 5 or 6 rather quickly if a trend occurs. v/rMartrin
Blessing 3
Expert Advisors
Nov 18, 2013 at 19:48
I already answered you, I need to know how many years those backtests cover and the relative and maximal drawdown as a percentage. v/r
Blessing 3
Expert Advisors
Nov 17, 2013 at 15:56
We are also interested in exchanging setfiles as this is clearly a win-win situation. In the end we all seek a broader diversification right?If someone has a setfile which is rather high growth (>5% average monthly growth over the last 12 month) and can provide me with a backtest over at last 2 years with 99% tickdata and realistic spreads We could have an exchange. I am also willing to do proper 3 year tickdata backtests for your setfiles with the spreads that you have at your broker. Just e-mail me :
[email protected]
to two of our strategies:http://www.jtatoday.info/forum/showthr...
Blessing 3
Expert Advisors
Nov 16, 2013 at 08:57
Hi guys,While blessing is based on some sort of average down approach it nevertheless has a build-in equity protection and therefore cannot crush your account.Blessing 3 ist not a standalone buy, fire and forget EA, it is a tool which you can use to develop your own strategies. We are working with it for 2 years now and developed a portfolio including 12 blessing 3 setfiles.Setfiles can be bought at the developers homepage for roughly 80 USD each. While we will not share our setfiles for obvious reasone we still decided to sell some at their Forum. We will start an exclusive signal service s...
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