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Posts by forex_trader_28881
The Ways To Becoming A Winning Forex Trader
Experienced Traders
Jun 03, 2011 at 12:44
Bruce inspires lynch mobs to action. We have it here all the time. Every week some hapless wanna be criminal is rescued by police. People are just fed up with it. And I guess the same is true on the net. Every second thing is a scam of some sort.
The Ways To Becoming A Winning Forex Trader
Experienced Traders
Jun 03, 2011 at 12:03
What about the $150 000? You very conveniently forget that.
The Ways To Becoming A Winning Forex Trader
Experienced Traders
Jun 03, 2011 at 12:01
In one of the other threads, probably one that got pulled after Zero decided to ruin all the threads, Newbeepee here was pointing out how good Bruce is as a trader. I don't think anything has changed. Speki all it requires is honesty. No more, no less. If one is going to do a honest days work, provide a decent track record, be proud of it. Put it up here, be transparent...No one can argue with that. But he can't. He has to lie about his results. So now it's cloak and dagger and multiple identities, praising himself and so on...And he is lying about his results for financial gains....
The Ways To Becoming A Winning Forex Trader
Experienced Traders
Jun 03, 2011 at 08:38
K trading god. I challenge you. Put down $5000 or $10 000 of your OWN money for a change. Real money, not a random demo. Little bit of cash for super trading god like yourself shouldn't be an issue. And prove your critics wrong once and for all. Exactly what this site was designed for. Then when you start asking people for money you'd have a leg to stand on, or as is most likely we can all see how you handle the stress of losing your OWN money for real, instead of the demo -40% you been doing or someone else's $150 000.
The Ways To Becoming A Winning Forex Trader
Experienced Traders
Jun 02, 2011 at 14:29
It is no longer possible for you to take money off people in fx. Certainly not in any forum where you are recognised.
The Ways To Becoming A Winning Forex Trader
Experienced Traders
Jun 02, 2011 at 14:24
Why don't you just save everyone a lot of unpleasantness and don't even try, this will end exactly the way it did on Oanda and all the other forums you've been banned from. People just can not stand the dishonesty and it always degenerates into a fight which ends with you being banned. It's a well established pattern and will repeat here. Give it up.
The Ways To Becoming A Winning Forex Trader
Experienced Traders
Jun 02, 2011 at 13:30
Not to mention honesty hey Bruce? Are you seriously going to try this yet again?
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
Jun 02, 2011 at 06:28
Dang, that didn't work. So I guess I'll just leave it for now. Probably just best to close the account.
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
Jun 02, 2011 at 06:25
Sorry folks, Going to take the system private. Don't really need this in my life. if I had an option to lock the thread and keep the system going I'd leave it public, but for now I'd just rather remove it so no further comments are allowed.
Locking a thread
Suggestion Box
Jun 02, 2011 at 05:47
No point in allowing comments in my thread while Zero is rampaging around in it under several identities. So I either lock it or I take the system private.At the moment we don't have the ability to lock the discussion and continue to show the system. I would suggest we get that option, then people can still contact me in private (where I can block a user) or via other means. But the discussion is useless at the moment, I don't feel like participating in it anymore.
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
Jun 01, 2011 at 19:40
I said they are invested with a major fund. Like everyone else's parents. It's what that generation did.
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
May 31, 2011 at 10:19
Even 100% per annum with 30% DD be brilliant.
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
May 31, 2011 at 10:18
Well,It was kind of a 20 year event to have your financial system freeze. Companies like Implats lost 80% of their value. And they are fundamentally the same they were 2 years ago. Not like platinum demand dropped that much or that the price dropped, was only the perception of value that dropped. But consider that was un-leveraged. Had that portfolio had any leverage on it everything would have gone bust. It's recovered now, but the benchmark is 17% per annum vs 50% DD.If I can do 1000% with 30% DD I'll be ecstatic.
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
May 31, 2011 at 05:02
Again I have to point out. The DD must be seen in context to the performance. This system at the current pace will do over 1000% a year. So it will draw down. No avoiding it. My parents are with one of the top funds in the world, Alan Gray, does about 17% per annum. If you gave them 10 000 coconuts in 1971 you'd have 170 000 000 coconuts today. They drew down 50% in this last crisis. Easiest way to solve the DD problem is turn down the system. Smaller trade sizes, less pairs etc...Zero, your expectations of systems are a bit high. It's almost impossible to trade an amount this small wi...
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
May 31, 2011 at 04:22
I get quiet when it's a public holiday in US and UK and I get like a tick an hour. -30% is to much. I changed some settings to prevent a repeat, but this will take a while to sort itself. Speki,The volume can get very high, it will ruin a twitter stream for a user.
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
May 30, 2011 at 05:09
Was anyway, the new rule FIFO rule causing troubles. I'll never stop playing with this stuff anyway. Always searching for a better way to do it. Going to have to do one more write I think, but that only be in a few months...after I come back.And it was quantabee who gave Bruce the smack I believe, although I'm speaking under correction.
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
May 30, 2011 at 05:08
Oanda is running. Doesn't require me.
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
May 29, 2011 at 11:13
Some major setting changes over the week-end. Will solve the margin issue and hopefully take care of that pesky DD. But might hurt the daily banking. Profit more likely to arrive as NAV and in short sharp bursts.
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
May 29, 2011 at 05:27
Groendakkies for you.....
Delusions Grandiose !!
Trading Systems
May 29, 2011 at 04:24
Mine stays connected all the time.
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