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GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Jul 11, 2020 at 01:44
Hi Khotso,Thanks for your interest in my EA. You can run the EA on any time frame but it is optimized for the 15 Min time frame because that is the one that produced the best results in my testing. However, you can optimize the settings for any time frame or other currency pair. See #4c for tips on this at: https://roulettetrader.com/backtestingThe best performer of 2020 is the EUR/CHF BIG Candle robot. You can find that robot and others at: https://roulettetrader.com/trading-productsPlease let me know if you have any other questions.Don
GBP/JPY Momentum
Trading Systems
Jan 10, 2020 at 14:33
Hi Steve,The Momentum EA requires large moves to trigger a trade so it does not trade during low volatility, which can happen for a few weeks or even months at a time. If you see a month without any trades, this is why. It sits patiently while it waits for the big moves.
GBPJPY 5-Min Scalper
Trading Systems
Nov 15, 2018 at 14:36
You're right! That's a good idea. I've been watching the trades play out for the past month with great results but the tracked account just got going. Watch it for as long as you'd like.
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Sep 16, 2018 at 06:16
That's correct. Oanda's MT4 will only pull up the last 3 months of trade history.
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Sep 14, 2018 at 06:15
Hi Profifusion,In July, Oanda moved my acct to a new server, when I made the switch in MyFXBook, it recorded 3 months of duplicate trades due to the new server issuing different ticket numbers to my historical trades. MyFXBook finally removed the duplicate trades today but they also removed 6 of my recent winning trades that should still be in the history. So, I sent them another email today noting the trades they need to place back in the account (or upload a new statement for verification and it will correct itself. Now I'm just waiting for one of the two to happen. The stats are also me...
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Feb 11, 2018 at 07:06
Good observation. Yes, I just removed the 8 unit version and will allocate it's lots to the 4 unit and 7 unit versions or maybe add a 5 unit version, which has done the best over the past 6 months. That will help smooth out the equity curve. Waiting for the next loss to occur and then I will make the addition.
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Nov 01, 2017 at 07:27
The EAs used in all model accounts on MyFXBook are using the default settings but I also include preset files for different sized accounts. If you read me ebook, you will understand what I mean by 4 units, 7 units and 8 units, which is why I tell everyone they should read my ebook so they understand my money management system and terminology before using my EAs.
GBP/JPY Momentum
Trading Systems
Nov 01, 2017 at 07:27
That's not possible. A 125 pip profit target is set the moment each trade is opened and it never changes. Whatever analytics you're looking at are wrong or you're misreading it.
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Oct 31, 2017 at 08:46
Yes, I can confirm all of the above is accurate and the EA is now running 3 versions of the EA for a 4 unit, 7 unit and 8 unit cycle target. All 3 of these versions are included with your purchase.
GBP/JPY Momentum
Trading Systems
Oct 29, 2017 at 08:07
Hi Ozzie, you are not seeing the whole picture. The initial stop-loss is always 250 pips but it has never hit it so there is no record of that in the trade history. The 125 pip stops you see in the trade history are the trailing stop after the trade moves well into profit. It's the last recorded stop-loss so that's what it shows. It says "250 Stop-Loss" in many places on the sales page: http://roulettetrader.com/gbpjpy-momentum
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Oct 20, 2017 at 09:00
You can disable autotrading any time by clicking the AutoTrading button at the top of MT4. The EA does not know when economic announcements are going to occur and I prefer it that way. Jumping in and out of trades to avoid news will only destroy your performance. This EA uses a 250 pip stop so economic announcements usually have no effect on it and most news seems to push the market in our favor anyway since most banks are merely waiting for the news to pass before the next big push in the direction of the underlying trend.
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Oct 15, 2017 at 11:55
I noticed that some clients who got that sell trade are at ECN brokers, who's price feed can be quite different than a traditional spread broker like Oanda. I measured a 3 pip difference in candle closing price on just 1 candle I looked at prior to the big price swing. I'm sure there are even bigger discrepancies during high volatility.
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Oct 13, 2017 at 08:58
Feb to mid April 2017 were slow months with very few signals so I had to give a few refunds back then but I've only had 4 or 5 refunds in the past 2 years, mostly in March/April right before a big run of wins (of course). I disable the robots to prevent scammers who download the EAs and then ask for a refund 1-2 days later (had a few of those). There's one in every crowd.
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Oct 12, 2017 at 14:55
As long as you don't interfere with the trades, you should get the same results. The EA uses large stops and profit targets so it's not sensitive to spreads. This account trades at Oanda and the average spread is 3.5 - 4 pips, larger than most other brokers but they offer excellent trade execution (never any requotes or missed trades) so for your best chance of matching my results, trade at Oanda and use a VPS.
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Oct 12, 2017 at 06:38
Yep, as Ovisun said, no closed trades in March = nothing to report. The EA averages 10 trades per month but it has a filter that helps prevent it from trading in sideways markets. It requires some significant volatility or a certain trend strength to begin trading.
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Sep 25, 2017 at 14:56
Hi Armando. For the past few cycles, I've been trading 2 different money management cycle targets (7 units and 8 units) so one goes for 7 consecutive wins while the other goes for 8 consecutive wins using the same trades (entry & exit prices).
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Jun 23, 2017 at 11:15
Thanks for your insightful comments on my highly profitable EA. My goal for this account was NOT to make 2% per month with zero draw-downs, which will get the average trader nowhere fast! It's to show that a very small account can be grown into the thousands quickly with relatively little risk to principal. My system ignores peak-to-valleys because the intra-cycle peaks are just profits used to leverage larger trades during winning streaks, which usually occur during ideal conditions. If you can't handle the equity swings, then don't trade at high leverage. It's really that sim...
GBP/JPY 15-Min Trend-Following
Trading Systems
Jun 22, 2017 at 14:00
This EA uses my proprietary money management system, which snowballs profits and lot sizes on winning streaks to maximize the profit potential. This occasionally results in a single large loss, which usually accumulated profits in that cycle. A single loss triggers the lot sizes to drop significantly to protect capital during losing streaks. Since wins and losses occur in clusters, this strategy works very well to maximize profits and protect your principal. With this EA, my money management system DOUBLES the profitability vs. trading with a fixed lot setting.This account started trading very...
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