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GPS Robot FxChoice 100k
Trading Systems
Nov 14, 2016 at 15:38
Hello,Please read this thread, all 11 pages and other threads. All were described several times. If you want to get more detailed answer please contact support directly. There you will get full explanation. Every time lazy users just come and again and again asking the same questions. I'm sorry but I'm in a business trip now and don't have time to answer on the same questions.Best regards,Mark
GPS Robot FxChoice 100k
Trading Systems
Oct 13, 2016 at 13:47
Hello,Yes, our trading pool always controls current market situation and only with such option we can provide stable trading results.Our trading results it's a 100% truth. For official companies we provide all documents and this is a reason why we got such big investors. Few pages below you can even find information about our tests during several month with more than 30 brokerages. We not have any connections with FxChoice brokerage and we use GPS Robot with more than 10 brokerages. Moreover we have a lot of users and they always compare their results with ours and almost all of them have ...
GPS Robot FxChoice 1mio
Trading Systems
Oct 13, 2016 at 13:35
Hello Acronis,It's not a martingale. Please contact support for the details.Best regards,Mark
GPS Robot FxChoice 100k
Trading Systems
Aug 09, 2016 at 15:09
Hello logart! It's completely depend from market. When it stable GPS Robot can generate even 50% monthly but during periods with instability it will be better to not open a lot of risky trades but in any case our users can adapt their license to their trading style.
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
May 24, 2016 at 07:33
Hello,Can you please provide your email in my pm. I will ask our support to check your message.Thank you!Mark
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
Mar 08, 2016 at 08:12
Hello,Thank you very much guys! We really do all to make our clients happy!Best regards,Mark
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
Mar 04, 2016 at 15:18
Hello,I will provide the info you have sent. You should receive email from support. Please send me pm in the future because I can't every time check this thread because of work, trips and conferences. Thank you!Here in myfxbook we used fxpro, IamFX, FXCBS real money accounts but we closed them (and sent our profits to fxchoice accounts) but they were here during several years. Current results you can find in the ealab website and on the gps robot website you can find alpari and iamfx accounts as well. In ealab we have results with more than 10 different brokerages.Best regards,Mark
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
Mar 03, 2016 at 11:37
Hello,Please send me in PM your emails from which you have sent your questions because we have strong google spam filters and it seems that your emails goes into our spam folders. I will ask support to check all possible problems and send you an answer in the nearest future.Sorry for any inconvenience!Best regards,Mark
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
Mar 01, 2016 at 07:45
They have good reputation.http://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/gps-robot-fxchoice-1mio-tr/1024846,1#postRow186308
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
Feb 29, 2016 at 07:08
As I said you just don't understand how complicated GPS Robot. It always makes analyzes of the current situation on the market and takes decision about trades, stops, currently opened positions and so on. It's not so simple like you think. You just don't understand the essence of the strategy. But it will be just words without our profitable trading results on our real money accounts already during several years, without accounts of our users who generated already huge amount of money. This is the only one way to show capabilities of the robot.
GPS Robot FxChoice 100k
Trading Systems
Feb 26, 2016 at 16:34
They suggested free VPS for our accounts. If you will have big trade volume you will have free vps too. We started working with them and all was ok so far.
GPS Robot FxChoice 100k
Trading Systems
Feb 26, 2016 at 14:43
Hello,I don't remember any problems with our FxChoice VPS. We work with them already during several years and all was Ok. Even our big accounts in MT4 on their vps servers.Best regards,Mark
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
Feb 26, 2016 at 14:36
GPS Robot is not so simple like you think. By the way, asked guys and they agreed. Made withdrawal in $100. You can check it:http://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexMark/gps-robot-fxchoice-1mio-tr/1355807
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
Feb 23, 2016 at 08:43
I already asked support to help you with your problem. Please wait few hours, you will receive email with detailed information. First news - it seems that your email goes into the spam folder because of strong google filters. In any case don't worry, they will reply to you. Sorry I haven't so much time to answer here directly. All the best,Mark
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
Feb 23, 2016 at 07:10
Hello,I recommended IamFX because GPS Robot 1 was released with this brokerage. During test and installations we used IamFX and with it GPS Robot shows good trading results and this is a reason why IamFX was recommended brokerage. Since release GPS Robot 2 we use FxChoice (already during several years) because after long tests GPS Robot showed with them results which are better than with IamFX moreover FxChoice suggested that if we will work with them they will provide bonuses to GPS Robot clients. But we are happy to make our clients happy. So we got better results + bonuses for our clients, ...
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
Feb 23, 2016 at 06:54
Hi Allan,I will redirect your questions and help you by myself. Don't worry. I will find a reason why you not get your answer because our support is very good and all users happy with it and we got a lot of messages with kind words every day.Best regards,Mark
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
Feb 22, 2016 at 09:19
Hello,Very strange, please provide me your email in pm and I will ask to check it. Thanks pal!Best regards,Mark
GPS Forex Robot FxChoice
Trading Systems
Feb 18, 2016 at 17:14
Hello,It's default. Only lotsize value changed and sometimes multiplier. For fast and detailed answers please contact support.Best regards,Mark
GPS Robot FxChoice 100k
Trading Systems
Feb 04, 2016 at 09:48
Hello,Sorry for the late answer. You can get all necessary information on our website here: http://gpsforexrobot.com/All the best,Mark
GPS Robot FxChoice 1mio Tr
Trading Systems
Jan 19, 2016 at 08:33
Hi MrFxCool,I'm sorry for the late reply. I almost all my time busy with conferences and trips. It will be better if you will contact our support directly at
[email protected]
, there you will get fast answer.Yes, sure we will change our settings but users will just get it immediately because their GPS Robot license will download it directly when their AutoAnalyzes function will be true.Best regards,Mark
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