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Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 16, 2010 at 21:31
******************************************************************************************LIVE ACCOUNT TRADING LOG -- This account is the SIGNALS source for the FULLY MANAGED ACCOUNTS we provide******************************************************************************************SUMMARY:4415.0 PIPS in 33 trading days = 133.8 pips / trading dayDETAIL:+ 905.6 pips --- week 1 - mar 03-09 (26 trades closed)+ 425.3 pips --- week 2 - mar 10-16 (26 trades closed)+ 400.0 pips --- week 3 - mar 17-23 (39 trades closed)+ 570.1 pips --- week 4 - mar 24-30 (36 trades closed)+ 1101.2 pips - week 5 ...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 14, 2010 at 23:23
******************************************************************************************LIVE ACCOUNT TRADING LOG -- This account is the SIGNALS source for the FULLY MANAGED ACCOUNTS we provide******************************************************************************************SUMMARY:4398.2 PIPS in 31 trading days = 141.9 pips / trading dayDETAIL:+ 905.6 pips --- week 1 - mar 03-09 (26 trades closed)+ 425.3 pips --- week 2 - mar 10-16 (26 trades closed)+ 400.0 pips --- week 3 - mar 17-23 (39 trades closed)+ 570.1 pips --- week 4 - mar 24-30 (36 trades closed)+ 1101.2 pips -- week 5...
$$$ Manager
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 14, 2010 at 16:09
In my view, if you want people to trade with you, you should be fully transparent. Even then people will misunderstand the results but at least it's not your fault then...http://www.myfxbook.com/members/tbuitendyk/volatility-trader-rel3c-live/21903
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 13, 2010 at 22:14
******************************************************************************************LIVE ACCOUNT TRADING LOG -- This account is the SIGNALS source for the FULLY MANAGED ACCOUNTS we provide******************************************************************************************SUMMARY:3947.8 PIPS in 30 trading days = 131.6 pips / trading dayDETAIL:+ 905.6 pips --- week 1 - mar 03-09 (26 trades closed)+ 425.3 pips --- week 2 - mar 10-16 (26 trades closed)+ 400.0 pips --- week 3 - mar 17-23 (39 trades closed)+ 570.1 pips --- week 4 - mar 24-30 (36 trades closed)+ 1101.2 pips -- week 5...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 09, 2010 at 21:52
******************************************************************************************LIVE ACCOUNT TRADING LOG -- This account is the SIGNALS source for the FULLY MANAGED ACCOUNTS we provide******************************************************************************************SUMMARY:4109.5 PIPS in 28 trading days = 146.8 pips / trading dayDETAIL:+ 905.6 pips --- week 1 - mar 03-09 (26 trades closed)+ 425.3 pips --- week 2 - mar 10-16 (26 trades closed)+ 400.0 pips --- week 3 - mar 17-23 (39 trades closed)+ 570.1 pips --- week 4 - mar 24-30 (36 trades closed)+ 1101.2 pips -- week 5...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-B
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 08, 2010 at 20:16
EFFECTIVE 2010.04.08-14:10 MDT, the system is running at 1:1.5 ratio base order sizing.From this point forward the per-pip earnings should be at least:( ACCOUNT_BALANCE x 1.5 ) / 10,000For example, 138.1 pips in one day at account balance $13,000 should earn at least:138.1 pips x ( ( $13,000 x 1.5 ) / 10,000 ) = $269.30
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 08, 2010 at 20:14
EFFECTIVE 2010.04.08-14:10 MDT, the system is running at 1:1 ratio base order sizing.From this point forward the per-pip earnings should be at least:ACCOUNT_BALANCE / 10,000For example, 138.1 pips in one day at account balance $33,000 should earn at least:138.1 pips x ( $33,000 / 10,000 ) = $455.73
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 08, 2010 at 18:33
******************************************************************************************LIVE ACCOUNT TRADING LOG -- This account is the SIGNALS source for the FULLY MANAGED ACCOUNTS we provide******************************************************************************************SUMMARY:3728.3 PIPS in 27 trading days = 138.1 pips / trading dayDETAIL:+ 905.6 pips --- week 1 - mar 03-09 (26 trades closed)+ 425.3 pips --- week 2 - mar 10-16 (26 trades closed)+ 400.0 pips --- week 3 - mar 17-23 (39 trades closed)+ 570.1 pips --- week 4 - mar 24-30 (36 trades closed)+ 1101.2 pips -- week 5...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 08, 2010 at 02:57
Indeed O'Neill.must... not.... sleep.... 😲
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 08, 2010 at 02:37
******************************************************************************************LIVE ACCOUNT TRADING LOG -- This account is the SIGNALS source for the FULLY AUTOMATED TRADING we provide******************************************************************************************SUMMARY:3484.5 PIPS in 26 trading days = 134.0 pips / trading dayDETAIL:+ 905.6 pips --- week 1 - mar 03-09 (26 trades closed)+ 425.3 pips --- week 2 - mar 10-16 (26 trades closed)+ 400.0 pips --- week 3 - mar 17-23 (39 trades closed)+ 570.1 pips --- week 4 - mar 24-30 (36 trades closed)+ 1101.2 pips -- week ...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 07, 2010 at 17:57
The past couple of days certainly have been interesting and frankly somewhat of a learning experience. Having fundamentals weighing heavily on cable while being mostly un-hedged has shown that we should build some additional safety mechanisms into our engine. My attempt to protect the account with a large counter-long position of 1.93 lots basically was both poorly executed and unnecessary in the end and cost our account over $800. That being said, had a large price spike occurred it would have saved the day. So it was like a typical insurance policy that costs a premium and is not claimed...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 05, 2010 at 23:49
Please be advised that we are issuing a warning with respect to the current positioning.There are a number of conflicting factors going into the GBPUSD pair currently, both technical and fundamental. The bottom line is that some technical methods, such as elliot wave analysis, are showing a likelihood of a drop in cable over the next week or so, and some other analysis conflicts with this and calls for potential rises in cable. Other fundamental factors such as conservative leaning at British polls leading up to the election, and deficit policy in the UK, etc., are threatening further rises....
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 04, 2010 at 04:04
Hey there Al,Not be contentious or anything like that, I'm afraid you're dead wrong on both points and thankfully it's not simply a matter of my opinion. 😄 Your thinking that the system performance is <0 in 22 trading days seems to be simply a result of misreading the data. Please look again at the log where I've clearly shown that there are 2,313.3 pips CLOSED NET PROFIT in those 22 days PLUS an additional 1291.7 pips open floating profit.You seem to have misread the log, which is something I've done myself many times so I can relate...Another thing that...
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 03, 2010 at 20:56
Looks like good advice in retrospect.
My new trading phase 10%/day?
숙련된 트레이더
Apr 03, 2010 at 20:44
I'm curious why you say that only time will tell.Is it not possible to fully understand the trading mechanism and associated risk and thus make a valid worst-case-scenario evaluation? Perhaps not. But if that is possible, you should be able to say with confidence whether or not it will be able to last. If your system is banking on the market not making an aggressive or protracted moving against your positions like a typical martingale/gambling system then chances are it will not last. If your system can handle large moves contrary to your positions without causing huge unsustainable po...
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 03, 2010 at 16:52
OK, perhaps honesty is not part of the issue here, so I should not make that assumption and accordingly apologize for that.That being said, I think that if you are running a system that can wipe-out 3 months earnings in one day then that HUGE risk needs to be put out front and centre at all times to protect the unsuspecting.I think we can all agree that there are far too many scams going on with forex that are costing a lot of unsuspecting people a lot of money. For those who are experienced in forex to not make such a GLARING FLAW as this crystal clear to the public remains in my view EITHER...
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 03, 2010 at 05:53
How about "risky" in the PAST, in the PRESENT, and in the FUTURE?!? That would be a little more honest.The mathematically guaranteed 100% failure rate of martingale schemes does not and will not change. The only thing that changes are the sad stories of the people getting wiped out by irresponsible trading techniques. Frankly it makes me angry that they even allow martingale systems in here. This is not investing, it's gambling.These kind of systems are just another opportunity for people who DON'T know better to get hosed by listening to people who SHOULD know better....
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 02, 2010 at 17:53
Hi Al,If you look at total net pips earned by all closed positions (that is, winning order pips less losing order pips) and add the net floating pips (that is, net pips associated with open orders), you will see that the system is curently ahead 3,225 pips since first order closed on March 3. To evaluate the *absolute* performance of any given system the only valid measure is TOTAL pips earned of BOTH CLOSED and OPEN positions. (People hide massive equity losses by ignoring open floating losses.)The illusion of a loss is created by the unfortuate fact that MyFXBook chooses to focus on BALANC...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 01, 2010 at 21:31
******************************************************************************************LIVE ACCOUNT TRADING LOG -- This account is the SIGNALS source for the FULLY AUTOMATED SIGNALS we provide******************************************************************************************SUMMARY:3605.0 PIPS in 22 trading days = 163.9 pips / trading dayDETAIL:+ 905.6 pips --- week 1 - mar 03-09 (26 trades closed)+ 425.3 pips --- week 2 - mar 10-16 (26 trades closed)+ 400.0 pips --- week 3 - mar 17-23 (39 trades closed)+ 570.1 pips --- week 4 - mar 24-30 (36 trades closed)+ 12.3 pips --- week 5 - ...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
트레이딩 시스템
Mar 31, 2010 at 18:33
******************************************************************************************LIVE ACCOUNT TRADING LOG -- This account is the SIGNALS source for the FULLY AUTOMATED SIGNALS we provide******************************************************************************************SUMMARY:3295.5 PIPS in 21 trading days = 156.9 pips / trading dayDETAIL:+ 905.6 pips --- week 1 - mar 03-09 (26 trades closed)+ 425.3 pips --- week 2 - mar 10-16 (26 trades closed)+ 400.0 pips --- week 3 - mar 17-23 (39 trades closed)+ 570.1 pips --- week 4 - mar 24-30 (36 trades closed)+ 71.7 pips --- week 5 - ...
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