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forex_trader_17337 에 의한 게시물
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
숙련된 트레이더
Jul 12, 2011 at 20:03
Yeah you are right,that will be worked upon. Thanks.
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
숙련된 트레이더
Jul 12, 2011 at 19:22
https://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/simple-swing-trading/133123 https://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/advanced-swing-trading/133125 https://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/simpleswingdemo/133643 These are the links for the EA live trading activities which is two live trading and one demoI am also an observer like every one else so no hype,no promises. Lets see how the EA fares in three months from now.happy viewing
100 Pips Daily Set & Forget
전문가 어드바이저
Jul 12, 2011 at 19:13
https://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/simple-swing-trading/133123 https://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/advanced-swing-trading/133125 https://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/simpleswingdemo/133643 These are the links for the EA live trading activities which is two live trading and one demoI am also an observer like every one else so no hype,no promises. Lets see how the EA fares in three months from now. hap...
100 Pips Daily Set & Forget
전문가 어드바이저
Jul 01, 2011 at 07:36
Thanks and i wish you success.
100 Pips Daily Set & Forget
전문가 어드바이저
Jul 01, 2011 at 05:27
Checking your stats, don't you think the lot size is on the high side?forex is a marathon and not a sprint. I have developed EAs also and will start live trading next week.One factor i will never joke with is good money management. Very important.using 0.1mini lot in my opinion looks too high for the start off equity and you must have been lucky to scale through the initial hurdle.Try using lot sizes that is commensurate with the equity.
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 11, 2011 at 09:26
Good traders trade like machine i know but how many? i guess one out of a thousand.To prove there is nothing hard in controling emotions,just ask a thousand manual traders to show their live trading statement then draw your conclusion.As a trader,i have come to know my weakness and that is Greed. I could tell you where a trend is heading with 80% precision but if i decide to place a manual trade on that,i will allow overconfidence to make me place crazy lot then random moves starts then the problem begins. Working away from the chart won't do any good because any crazy move may occur in le...
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 10, 2011 at 17:16
😐 too bad
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 10, 2011 at 16:36
This is why traders still lose all their money despite all the good signal providers and chart analyst around.Price action have been coded to move at random and it is this randomness that makes it almost impossible for manual traders to make consistent profits. EAs don't have emotions,they simply follow simple entry and exit rules and greed is never a problem because minimal lot sizes must have been inputed.But many traders still need to get good education on What EAs are because many traders still see EAs as dangerous robots that are bound to crash your equity.This is not so; EAs are simp...
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 10, 2011 at 12:08
There are many angles to forex trading.It is one thing to develop a good strategy and another to trade with discipline.Over the years,i have come to trust my trading strategy to a very great extentand i am confident to make profits 70% of the time but the problem is trading with discipline and that is the area of greed and adherence to exit/entry rules.I could make 100% on investment in less than a month but may lose so much afterwards due to greed.This is why i decided to code my trading method and allow the EA to do the work with a very minimal risk exposure.Another area i lack discipline is...
dbFX Real
트레이딩 시스템
May 25, 2011 at 13:53
Mr Autofx,It is nice reading all these and im so impressed that i am very popular.First and formost,i would like you to understand that when it comes to fx trading, i have no need to decieve or spam anyone watsoever.I am a regular guy just trying my best to bring out the best from this market and talking about lambasting people,its so unfortunate that you are so biased that you just accuse people without reading between the lines and this is the essence of your parents spending so much on you to give you good education. Look before you leap.Now you wrote about me blowing accounts and i accept ...
dbFX Real
트레이딩 시스템
May 22, 2011 at 13:15
You are right dear, i am only testing the EA i just developed and i am not making any promises and ofcourse i am not drawing any conclusion on it.A growth of 1% in fx trading or stocks/commodity is a good step in the right direction and not until 100% is achieved as that takes time.And talking about demo accounts failing under real condition is very true only in manual trading and the failure is simply due to emotions but in automated accounts using EAs, a steady growth/crash in a demo will definitely be the same in real account as no emotion is involved.And i am not interested in showing sola...
dbFX Real
트레이딩 시스템
May 21, 2011 at 11:01
Oh now you are calming down mr know all.you wrote"Calm down brada, get a pill(or banana). Or you better take one of those pills for penis enlargement you've promoted in your past. Maybe a bigger penis will give you the selfesteem you obviously lack"What more can we ask for as evidence of the fact that you are mentally sick,?My site was never about any pills but affiliate programs which decided to let go of and talking about serial account blower also goes to show that your mental reasonong is dumber than a kindergarten pupil.You are the craziest and dumbest serial account blower ...
dbFX Real
트레이딩 시스템
May 21, 2011 at 09:02
He is Bullshit personified. A layabout dumb brain that will always prefer to make mockery of hard working traders as though he is super perfect.You need to see the way this retarded guy lambasted me without any sense of maturity calling me crazy names.But when i checked his track record, i came to realise that he is so hopeless and probably lost faith in himself and has resorted to attacking potentially profitable systems as well as traders.What a pity.His case is a sorry case and i believe he needs help fast. He makes so much fun of me saying i open cents account and that was when i confirmed...
dbFX Real
트레이딩 시스템
May 21, 2011 at 07:05
Yeah Yeah, you are perfectly right friend.I have said it many times that greed is a factor that will never ever make me trade successfully and as you can see, i never go round making a big fool of myself like you are still doing.Thats my point. You go about attacking everyone as though you are better than everyone yet you are the dumbest member in this forum.You don't need to go on tarnishing my image as i already accept that i trade with 1usd and i blow my accounts every now and then and that i am a scam and a crook from Nigeria as you have written before.My candid advice once again is th...
dbFX Real
트레이딩 시스템
May 20, 2011 at 20:47
Then take this advice,Wallow in silence over your hopelessness and don't showcase your mental decardence.
dbFX Real
트레이딩 시스템
May 20, 2011 at 17:21
Nobody is interested in making a mockery of anyone except you.Nobody gives destructive criticism except you.Nobody taggs another scammer and crook except you.Who the hell do you think you are?We all know how crazy this market is and we all are trying to make out the best we can and the last thing any trader enjoys is destructive mouth waggen that you give people and this is rather imatured.Look at the way traders are abusing you simply because you chose to have a nature that is devoid of anything productive.I am expecting you to reply this by calling me a scam or crook as you have always done ...
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
숙련된 트레이더
May 20, 2011 at 17:11
Hi Winsor,I have been taking a good look at the real accounts you have running and i still have this notion that the lot sizes are not commensirate with the equity.I don't know how you have managed to be lucky growing these accounts but i honestly fee the mm is not ok.on this account:http://www.myfxbook.com/members/winsor/wwwctsforexcom-sienna-real--account/51304over 8% is presently been exposed and could be dangerous if things go wrong.i know that 60% of the time, the 100pips sl never gets hit but just incase something goes wrong.Anyway, i do believe you know at you are doing judging fro...
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
숙련된 트레이더
May 18, 2011 at 19:08
"Learn how to trade manually first before you start coding"I love this phrase so much and this is the truth.for 3 years, i have learnt all i could concerning swing trading and i give signals and analysis using swing configurations with 80% accuracy.As i wrote before, greed was a part of me i could'nt overcome so i simply gave up manual trading. It was easier for me putting my method into codes simply because i have learnt the act of manual trading so every trader should invest in getting a very good knowledge of trading this crazy market manually before thinking of automation.
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
숙련된 트레이더
May 18, 2011 at 14:26
Winsor,You don't need to answer any one that criticises your system.Results speak and i have seen the result and im so impressed. Just keep it up and i hope to get same results you are having or even better.All the best.
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
숙련된 트레이더
May 18, 2011 at 12:00
I am so so impressed with your results.Nevertheless, i have a feeling that you are using lot sizes that is not commensirate with the equity at the begining or am i getting something wrong?I am also an excellent swing trader but just gave up on manual trading due to greed.Just developed a Swing EA that trades stocks/silver and currencies. Still testing on demo for now.I hope it works well. Keep up the good work Pal. And i hope to start managing accounts with this EA after it has been fully tested and proven to be profitable.Please you can follow up the zombie_swing_EA performance here.https://w...
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