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Correlation trading / calculation
숙련된 트레이더
May 26, 2012 at 15:09
hi pt49,yes, I know one can also actually trade by correlation, that's also a very interesting and effective method. However, I currently only use it to avoid the additonal risk exposure...perhaps I can code a few correlation rules in at some point. Only issue with that is the inability to backtest it :(
PAMM SS+LiquidBot
트레이딩 시스템
May 24, 2012 at 06:54
Thanks ;-) This one just has the pairs that it runs best on; EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, NZDUSD, AUDJPY and EURJPYAnd SS of course runs on all its normal pairs. So far the profit division is about 65/35 (ss vs lb)
Correlation trading / calculation
숙련된 트레이더
May 17, 2012 at 02:35
hmm, I don't see a formula at the url you specified...could you be more specific PipGnostic? Thanks for the reply btw! :)
Correlation trading / calculation
숙련된 트레이더
May 16, 2012 at 09:45
Dear traders,I was wondering how others look at correlation trading and calculation.If you use correlation in either your algorithms or your trading, what period do you use, and what method do you use to calculate correlation?Personally I use a same-timeframe period of 60 bars to calculate correlation percentages. This simply to avoid taking correlated entries in different pairs at the same time. For example, I don't want to go long on EURUSD and GBPUSD at the same time while their correlation is at 99%, because then I'm effectively doubling my exposure/risk.However, if I see an entry ...
LiquidBot Beta - Preferred Pairs
트레이딩 시스템
May 16, 2012 at 06:36
Well, first day is definitely starting off nicely!
LiquidBot Beta - Preferred Pairs
트레이딩 시스템
May 15, 2012 at 07:27
As we've seen on the Aggressive and Conservative accounts, LiquidBot's alpha test does quite well on some pairs, decent on most, and badly on a few of the more exotic pairs.This test will illustrate the effects of running LiquidBot only on the pairs it runs well on, as has already been done in private real money tests I'm not at liberty to disclose.Stay tuned :)
Upcoming Contest Q&A
May 09, 2012 at 07:10
haha, this spread is horrendous, and the first trade I tried to make had 3 off-price messages....
LiquidBot Alpha - Conservative
트레이딩 시스템
May 06, 2012 at 10:24
Well, our conservative Alpha version immediately took a dive into the red. But, the more pairs it learned, the more it recovered, to actually end up back in the green in the first 4 weeks!Let's see how this progresses in the coming weeks.LiquidBot's more aggressive version will also run on a few selected pairs in the new MyFXBook contest for FXCM with highly increased risk/lot sizes.
NMi Super Scalper v1.11 - v1.16 ECN 4
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 28, 2012 at 10:13
This one is definitely starting out well...!
LiquidBot Alpha - Aggressive
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 18, 2012 at 15:34
As per last week, LiquidBot has officially started its Alpha test. This is the first public test after several private pre-Alpha tests. For now, there are no plans to release this robot to the general public in the future, especially if it proves to be lucrative as the EA commercial sales market is not big enough to make it worthwhile to invest in strong enough protect against decompilation. Alternatives are under consideration, but for now our focus is on development instead. LiquidBot trades on any currency pair (commodities is a work in progress), and employs a self-learning algorithm, serv...
LiquidBot Alpha - Conservative
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 18, 2012 at 15:33
As per last week, LiquidBot has officially started its Alpha test. This is the first public test after several private pre-Alpha tests. For now, there are no plans to release this robot to the general public in the future, especially if it proves to be lucrative as the EA commercial sales market is not big enough to make it worthwhile to invest in strong enough protect against decompilation. Alternatives are under consideration, but for now our focus is on development instead. LiquidBot trades on any currency pair (commodities is a work in progress), and employs a self-learning algorithm, serv...
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 07, 2012 at 16:42
System Log 4Hello readers!Hope all is well, here it certainly is. Although that might not be said of the account. Though many EA's had a bad time, I'm still not exactly happy with the performance of this portfolio. However, it's still in the green, after a short dip in the red.Ie did add a few new systems to the mix a month or so ago, but other than that the system is still exactly -as is-.During the last few months I was asked by Adam to help out with the NMi Super Scalper, explaining my absence, and I've also been working on my own robot. One that isn't too sensitive to b...
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
트레이딩 시스템
Mar 22, 2012 at 18:52
hehe, Guardian works...9 out of 10 times...but yes, it has issues, especially with people who just want to trade and don't know much about computers. They should've built code-virtualisation into MQL4.
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
트레이딩 시스템
Mar 19, 2012 at 20:44
just adding my 2cents to that; Guardian does not really do anything after the EA has started because the code is in memory and not decrypted each tick/cycle. So, no performance loss except for the slight memory footprint and a couple of idle CPU cycles. It only does something when an MT4 instance is started or when it updates itself.I do agree anything can be cracked, but with this EA that would be unwise as it trades using information from the server that keeps changing, a cracked version wouldn't be able to get those essential parameters. If they were static a cracked version would be vi...
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
트레이딩 시스템
Mar 17, 2012 at 15:54
+1, I've known him for a while and can safely say he's not a scammer.
트레이딩 시스템
Jan 02, 2012 at 18:12
System Log 3Happy new year everyone!We hope it will bring you great things.We've nicely closed out the year with a 19.83% profit, and that in only 6 weeks! Of course we had one very nice trading day to which almost a quarter of that can be attributed...so let's not take 15% as a monthly average and stick with 10%/month for the coming year.During the last two weeks of this month we'll be on holiday, but of course a forex addiction is not bound to any country or place, so we'll keep monitoring the account regularly. The VPS it runs on is based in Amsterdam and in London, fully re...
Mom's #2 broke account with my new funds
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 31, 2011 at 13:23
Ok, glad we understand each other, I agree; lots of people that randomly bash things, I'm afraid that is the nature of the internet :(Anyway, best of luck to you too, cheers,Jos.
Can anyone suggest optimized fap turbo 53 setting???
숙련된 트레이더
Dec 30, 2011 at 17:04
+1 lolFap Turbo only works on demo.
Hey Traders and who which use an EA and think they are Traders!
Dec 30, 2011 at 17:02
Glad to help, I hope you do well! :)
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 30, 2011 at 14:47
Hmm, looks like the account has stopped and everything was withdrawn. Still, interesting result.
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