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Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 30, 2010 at 08:51
Arbatov, when you start a trade do you put a fixed (small) stop loss immediately? Or do you start the trade without stop loss?Also would be interesting to see your equity curve (net asset value) for open trades. Without knowing these 2 factors its very difficult to judge this system. But obviously if you are able to continue like this for the next 6 months, then I have to believe this is good trading.
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 25, 2010 at 12:39
This sounds unbelievable to me that you can risk more than 10% per trade. I know, that with certain very good systems best profits actually can be aqcuired by using 5-6% risk (with like 65% drawdown). I have tested many good systems and tested different risks for them, but I have never seen a system which gives best profits with more than 10% risk setting. With more than 7% they all give worse profits (when drawdown is taken into account) on a long run.But maybe you are running the best system in the world .. :) . Would be good if you can backtest your idea with many years data. I find it hard...
Is there anyone willing to share their Money Management strategy?
숙련된 트레이더
Aug 23, 2010 at 18:53
I do a lot of trades, thats why I have to keep the risk of one trade small. Yes, my systems are based mainly on big runs. But if you look at the whole history of EUR you can see that EUR has always been running up and down a lot, so my systems just take advantage of that. Yes, somebody can say "but what is EUR stops trending"... well, what if EUR stops ranging!!!?? :) heh, and ... EUR has NOT stopped trending for last like 20 years, so I think it makes sense to think it continues...ps. I also do range trading, but obviously their winners are smaller and do not grow the balance up muc...
Is there anyone willing to share their Money Management strategy?
숙련된 트레이더
Aug 23, 2010 at 16:31
I have a (very) good system I have been doing 3 years live. It has every now and then 45-60 row of losses or small winners (winners less than +100, with stop loss of 20). It has always then given that big winner... and goes again... It seems to me that there are seasons when the system gives a lot of losses in a row, and then it works again. Just my observation.
Is there anyone willing to share their Money Management strategy?
숙련된 트레이더
Aug 23, 2010 at 08:37
I am not sure if this is correct. With some systems its possible that you get a very long rows of losses or some small winners only. This can be like a 60 trades. Then this system can start to give winners again. Now, if you use smallers size (even zero size maybe) for the 40 trades can possibly save a lot of drawdown for that system. If you use 1% risk for those 40 losses, you would lose something like 30% of your capital but if you use zero size you dont lose anything. Then you get a big winner *for a bigger capital*.An example: Say you deside to put 0% (not trading at all) after 20 conseque...
Is there anyone willing to share their Money Management strategy?
숙련된 트레이더
Aug 21, 2010 at 13:22
This is what I also do: I vary my trade size according to my winning trades. I have found personally (just my opinion) that after a big winner its better to trade small couple of trades and then increase the size. This works propably on a long term better. But must give time like 1-2 years this to work. But I would not recommend this generally to any system... it seems to work for my systems.
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 18, 2010 at 13:13
I agree. But still, its good to do proper research on brokers before trusting them.
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 18, 2010 at 12:09
Did you see my last note: "note: I dont know for sure how it is. No experience...". So I did not claim anything myself. But if couple of people say they had very bad money issues with this broker, then I guess its good to at least do some more research if its true. If there is at least 2 negative comments then its better to check more... I am sure there are bad brokers around... so you cannot just trust anybody.
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 18, 2010 at 11:40
Thanks. I did check Instaforex... here some people say they lost their money and say its "scam" in their opinion:http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.instaforex.com(note: I dont know for sure how it is. No experience...)
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 18, 2010 at 11:09
Sorry, I was speaking to stevetrade here...What PAMM you are using? Can you give a link please? I might be interested to be a manager there..
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 18, 2010 at 09:37
Are you a signal provider on ZipSignals? Do you get good income from there already? I just started and wondering how well it works as an income.
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 16, 2010 at 12:56
Yes, its about minimizing the risk and maximizing the profit. Knowledge miminizes risk.
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 16, 2010 at 10:42
If he is your friend or brother then you could trust without evidence. A lot to do with the trust. I have couple of friends who trust my success only by me only *telling* it-and they are willing to invest. They trust that I am not lying about my success. And I am not :) . But if you are not my friend, you cannot possibly know it...
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 16, 2010 at 10:02
"Hand over money to some1 that i dont know, and also do not know how he use the money."But this can be avoided by checking their history properly ... using a lot of time for it. Like checking his live records for several years etc.I would not invest to anything if I am not very sure about that it is profitable. There is a difference between gambling and being very sure of the result. Gambling is based (almost) purely on hope, the other one is based on knowledge and being "very sure about something"."The more important part is Mr. Arbatov do not gamble our $100. He trad...
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 16, 2010 at 09:01
"if lost its a small lost" .. heh, this is called "Gambling". The main priority for a professional trader should be not losing capital. If losing capital is not important factor, its like any gambling: hoping to get big rewards but risking all... And, if he makes a very big risk it does not mean that he is "better" trader than those who make smaller profits with small risk. You can easily multiply the trade size/risk using professional traders signals and get also very big profits. They just dont do it like that because they do not want to lose clients capital.....
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 12, 2010 at 06:33
I agree with this. I do the same couple of years now: my capital has been small, so I use like 30-35% expected drawdown setting/risk. But, did somebody give me to trade a very large capital, I would decrease the risk to around 18-20%. Even if I lose all my own capital (which should not really happen the way I do my money management even if the risk is bigger), its not the end of the world. But it would be much worse to lose huge capital.
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 12, 2010 at 06:28
How about doing both? :)
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 12, 2010 at 06:13
I just said, that the statement "it the best account" is not true (if "best" means: a system where to put your money in just by looking at this sites data). The same way like the statement "dogs can fly like eagles" is not true. Thats the only thing I said. It is possible that the system is very good, but it does not change the fact that the statement is still false. Let me correct myself a bit. I just recognized one error in my text. Instead of saying: "...its *not* the best account..." I should have said: "...its *not* the best account in a way th...
Arbatov System
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 11, 2010 at 22:51
If you mean this account with +4000% profit from June till today, then its *not* the best account. Far from it... Its only couple of months and remember that even a very bad system can give huge profits for couple of months. So couple of months tells nothing really about the system. Needs more data... If I was to look best system here (excluding mine, which I really think are top ones :) ), I would definitely look many things. Profit % is not so important like many think. Its also how he/she trades, how much data, how long period, Maximum drawdown etc etc... %-profit is only about 20-30% f...
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 06, 2010 at 10:46
Yes, true. I remember one of the main people on that forum was trading "picking the top with tries". So he started like shorting when price was very high. Obviously he did not tell the rules for his system, but even at that time I did understand that his method (small stop loss/big winners) will work statistically if just the system itself is done properly.
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