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Super strategy
트레이딩 시스템
May 27, 2018 at 12:06
You are no more polite, thankful, and soft talking salesman? You start lying and manipulating, in accordance with your manipulation with accounts.I told you that you had nice results and asked for the price. Is it what you said that I praised your strategy? After you told me that you asked $10000 for EA I checked your account and (two months ago) answered you right away politely that your EA was very risky and would blow your account, which happened soon after. Does it mean I was angry or interested any more for your EA?https://www.myfxbook.com/files/caesar123/Thank_you_not_interested.JPGBut I...
Super strategy
트레이딩 시스템
May 24, 2018 at 13:33
Lol, All you said is incorrect and I explained it in my previous post about your accounts."Don't worry"??? Me? I am not worried at all for your accounts because I am not using your expensive signal service. Therefore I can't lose money with you and your accounts and I am not worried!!!Your EA is very risky, with big DD, even you don't trust them and you don't want to invest your money into your EA. All you do is to make quick and high growth, get subscriber who would pay you $100 a month until you blow your account. And then you start from the beginning. People are lo...
Super strategy
트레이딩 시스템
May 24, 2018 at 06:47
What is positive in your accounts?1. real account double in a week - SEVEN days long account, lol. You deposited $50 and made profit of $137.62. And then after just SEVEN days you withdrew $150, THAT'S HOW MUCH YOU TRUST YOUR STRATEGY. The rest you lost because balance is now $0.09. You BLEW ACCOUNT, which is visible, regardless you hide the rest of history. 2. 2nd real account - you already disconnected this account and we can't analyze it. Only I can see that you deposited $200, made $65.07 and now you have $165.07. Again you made small profit and withdrew even more. THAT'S HOW M...
Super strategy
트레이딩 시스템
May 24, 2018 at 06:45
What is this screenshot proof about? I never said you don't manage accounts. I SAID PEOPLE ARE LOSING MONEY WITH YOUR LOSER STRATEGY!!According to your message from April 4 (see below) you are managing 100K. Therefore those funds are now over $50,000 in minus because of you, your losing strategy, and your greed. Are you sorry for those investors? What if that's their life savings, retirement? Fx Scalper (fxsc1lper) Apr 04 at 08:09actually many investors with big accounts have attached under my signals. so they are saying becoz their money is not $100 , so even they are much happy with...
Super strategy
트레이딩 시스템
May 22, 2018 at 06:03
You are not interested in big accounts (and make big money) because that's not challenge, the challenge is to work with small accounts? WOWYou don't want to start with big account because you would not need to learn forex? Your goal is not to make money, your goal is to learn forex? Oh really? Why are you charging for your signals 300% more than most of other providers? Why are you selling your signals at all if you are not interested for money? Do you understand that people are losing money because of you, sometimes their life savings? Do you care?Conversation with you is waste of tim...
Super strategy
트레이딩 시스템
May 22, 2018 at 06:01
Well, you really think we are idiots here. You are showing account which lasted 25 days. Where is the history for period after April 16? Interestingly, your account stopped being refreshed on the day (April 16) when USD started its huge run which wiped out many accounts and made a mess with EAs. That's the day when your "super strategy' on Signal Start began it's fall. It's useless to ask you for explanation because you would start with your salesman polite tactics of thanking and avoiding answers. Anyway, you gave us another proof how good your EA is, wiped account.
Super strategy
트레이딩 시스템
May 21, 2018 at 13:34
1. You started with $100. Why didn't you start or deposit more? You made money selling your $100 signals. Why didn't you invest those money in your system if you trust it so much? Show your confidence and trust in your system and deposit $1000 (which you obviously have). In 3 months you will have $10000, in six months you will have $10000, in 9 months you will have $100000. In May 2019 you will have a MILLION!!! And you will not have to deal with me and others here. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS.2. Your strategy is very risky and that's why people who trusted you have their ac...
Super strategy
트레이딩 시스템
May 21, 2018 at 07:40
Lol, I have the same story. After he asked me $10000 for his EA, I checked his trades and told him that he traded so risky that he would've blown hes account soon. A few days later he had this huge drawdown.Other thing, at the same time when he had 57% DD he celebrated and boasted his 5th rank on Signal Start and 100K of funds which he managed. But no word about investors who lost huge amounts following his $100/month Signals based on his EA...Also I asked him how come that he doesn't trade his own money if his EA is so good. If he makes 100s % per month it's easy to calculate that...
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