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forex_trader_28881 에 의한 게시물
Delusions Grandiose !!
트레이딩 시스템
May 18, 2011 at 17:08
Wrong beach if it's boring....just got to crack it Chikot. Took me a decade and a half. Did my first trade in 1998. Now 2011. World ends in 2012 - now there's a bummer. I be sooooooooo peeved....I guess it should also be noted that I didn't try crack trading. I tried to crack the black box....whole different ball game.
Delusions Grandiose !!
트레이딩 시스템
May 18, 2011 at 16:30
Ya - it's how it's going to be. Got to give this a month, I'm still on settings and pairs, but I think it's beach time...
Delusions Grandiose !!
트레이딩 시스템
May 18, 2011 at 16:17
We hope Chikot...99% auto now...we just leave it now me thinks.
Delusions Grandiose !!
트레이딩 시스템
May 18, 2011 at 02:13
Keep it small, let the compounding do the work would be a good start for you. Told you that 100 times already Zero...then you wouldn't be sitting there with a $2000 loss.Uda were not really doing much in MT now days and I'm not going to try keep tabs of more pairs, would need more code or brainpower. My focus is on the API at Oanda so if we do new pairs be on that....and that doesn't work here.
Delusions Grandiose !!
트레이딩 시스템
May 18, 2011 at 01:35
See - thing is there is risk in this portfolio, you are quite right. It will get margin called at some point. I know that for a fact. I can't write for tsunami's and earth quakes and US defaulting on debt, which they are likely to do soon, maybe we all die 2012, that be a real margin caller.But considering if I get a margin call right now I'd be back on start up capital it occurs to me that if make a year or two before one or even a few months I'd be well up.$100 - I don't mind, doesn't cost me a cent to run it, it's got a very good chance to make a few years, so it...
Delusions Grandiose !!
트레이딩 시스템
May 18, 2011 at 01:18
$128 - phew I'm impressed !
Delusions Grandiose !!
트레이딩 시스템
May 18, 2011 at 01:09
Been 3 already...told you, it's all in the trade sizes. Got to know when to go heavy and when not.
Delusions Grandiose !!
트레이딩 시스템
May 18, 2011 at 01:06
Thank gawd...!!Hate to be part of your world. Just now that -590% is contagious....scusa moa while I count me pips...
Delusions Grandiose !!
트레이딩 시스템
May 18, 2011 at 00:00
K - I gone 90% auto on this...Whole character of the thing will change, for better or worse remains to be seem - but at least I'll get time for other things, like life in general.I have no idea if it will work....fingers crossed.
$25 to $25k in 10 days
트레이딩 시스템
May 17, 2011 at 03:46
Mate,Any system works for a while. Then they stop. There's no mind fight, it's the market conditions that change. There are 4 states to the market.Fast trending, slow trending, fast ranging, slow ranging. If you trade the same all the time as the market moves through the states you will do better or worse. Many, many traders make the mistake of questioning their systems when in fact it's more a question of do you have the correct system for the conditions. Many systems are developed in one state and then fails when the market changes.Can you recognise the market states? Are you usi...
Clean up all the systems on this site.
May 16, 2011 at 15:19
It's unfortunate how the site is used. The real value of the site is for your personal automated stats. That alone makes it worth it. Helps me a lot. No more spread sheets....!!
Brokers, PAMMs, and the US
May 14, 2011 at 20:46
Failing empire syndrome. Rules are changing and US is lashing out to preserve that which is not sustainable. As a non US citizen it's fairly easy to see it coming and make a buck from it. Locals however are pretty much stuffed. You guys going to have to riot Arab style me thinks.
$200 to $1,000,00?0
신규 트레이더
May 14, 2011 at 17:11
Palmepip,0Easiest way to get $1 000 000 in fx is to start with $2 000 000...
$25 to $25k in 10 days
트레이딩 시스템
May 14, 2011 at 13:13
In terms of fx you just get margin called till you are to numb to feel anything. Then the trading becomes easy as emotions don't play a part any more. I don't think 25 to 25 k is possible in 10 days. If you do do it, it will be pure luck or you are a trading god the likes of which the world has never seen and most likely will not see again. In the absence of coins it helps to suck thumb to. Has the same result....
$25 to $25k in 10 days
트레이딩 시스템
May 14, 2011 at 09:44
I think you will find most people work out over a period of time, about 6 to 10 years, that indicators are useless as they eliminate them one by one. They don't work at all. Especially in fx where the volumes are broker supplied, not market, so any indicator with volume in it, which is most of them, are out. In MT especially volumes are tick volumes, number of ticks coming in, and has nothing to do with actual volume traded. Even one indicator is one to much. There's a lot to think about to make a portfolio work once you get beyond indicators. You want to learn to trade? Take them all ...
$25 to $25k in 10 days
트레이딩 시스템
May 13, 2011 at 12:26
That chart belongs here: http://forum.mql4.com/6130Never going to be able to make money from something that noisy.
Spain earthquake ! how much impact it will affect Euro.
May 13, 2011 at 11:21
It's not about guilt of trading or the event. I don't feel guilty for 911. Had nothing to do with it. But there was blood on those profits. I don't like blood money. Thing is I did take the time to learn how to profit from disasters via trading. So I am entitled to something for being awake, that's why I say, I'll trade it, but a portion goes to a relevant charity for said event.
Spain earthquake ! how much impact it will affect Euro.
May 13, 2011 at 03:27
The way to trade disasters is to see whatever took the biggest hit and buy it. Look at Dow Jones on post Sept 11th. Recovered very quickly after the initial shock wore off. I once saw a chart with a bunch of disaster listings. Almost always there's a knee jerk panic, then a recovery as the overall fundamentals don't change that much. My point is really don't try predict the reaction, see what the reaction is and then act. Whatever the reaction is it will reverse quite soon after the disaster. Don't forget to donate if you make a few bucks from it !
Spain earthquake ! how much impact it will affect Euro.
May 12, 2011 at 15:43
Might want to look towards the Yen for answers. If it was a big one people would have to buy euro's to give aid. Yen soared after Japan. I guess it's a question of how bad it was...
Delusions Grandiose !!
트레이딩 시스템
May 12, 2011 at 14:36
Not the end of May....Sorry to disappoint Zero. Looks like I did quite well in my absence....simply slapped on some Tp's before I left and left it to do it's thing.
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