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forex_trader_28881 에 의한 게시물
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숙련된 트레이더
Jul 07, 2011 at 00:27
AT,You need to clarify if you are a US citizen or not. If you're not then it's easy, if you are, you've got a big problem. If you are in Ozzy based there is Go Markets and IBFX in Ozzy.
Delusions Grandiose !!
트레이딩 시스템
Jul 03, 2011 at 06:41
Back and will change setting on this account. Going to drop the CHF pairs....
Managed Account in Loss, Trading Done by "Movee" System
숙련된 트레이더
Jul 02, 2011 at 04:12
Very difficult to fathom what that so called money manager is thinking. Somehow it's ok to lose peoples money in fx, he didn't even bother to get up to lose it. Any other form of investment that be jail time right there. Gross incompetence and negligence, fraud, misrepresentation and so on. Just keep em coming guys, make a nice list of all the crooks and con's out there.
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 12, 2011 at 19:47
Got to run. Be back in 2 months or so.
Can anyone recomend a managed account ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 12, 2011 at 17:23
K - I'm not interested, but you might want to use this site for what is was designed to do. Get more people interested if they can click through to a third party verification, and make the extra effort from there. For me it's not even worth the extra click. You might be a shit hot trader, but due to the sheer volume of scams on all the boards it's not even worth taking it any further. Not a reflection on you, just the state of forex. You want to do the business go the extra step.
Can anyone recomend a managed account ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 12, 2011 at 16:50
No data to back up your claims FMB, here or on your website.
WFL031 (Real 1)
트레이딩 시스템
Jun 12, 2011 at 15:48
System is fat tail Wallace. The DD in relation to performance is terrible. Just a question of time for this system.
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 12, 2011 at 13:44
Don't know who said the Thai are lazy, but they are ill informed. They work like ants. Whole east does, as the China story proves. Takes like 0.5 people 0.5 days to build a car there where here we have like 10 guys doing it in 4 days. Volkswagen has a factory or three there and here so the figures must be available for comparison. And they are all entrepreneurs. I've seen a a guy make money with a jam jar, two forks and two tooth picks. That does take some doing. I'm morally against our taxes. We end up with less than 25% of our income here, and the politicians get voted in by the...
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 12, 2011 at 11:35
I'm slowly settling in Thailand. I'll spend the next year there at least, leaving tomorrow for what I expect to be a 1-2 year round trip before I come back here to get some new credit cards. Very tax efficient. If I'm never here I become a non-tax citizen. So then I don't have to pay tax here, but the work is scattered around the world and I spend less than 6 months a year in Thai. Which means legally, I'm not obliged to pay anyone tax. Perfect!
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 12, 2011 at 08:02
What would be upsetting is if it starts buying my girl friends gifts with the profit, then I have a problem and it's maybe a little bit to clever.
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 12, 2011 at 04:22
I'm going to have to disagree with you. But for now having a machine do the trading for me while I'm off on my travels works just fine for me.
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 11, 2011 at 15:48
http://ncronline.org/blogs/ncr-today/scientists-estimate-tens-billions-earth-planets-our-galaxyIt's very likely that there are few million civilisations like ours that developed machines millions of years ago and wiped out, leaving their machines behind. All about the numbers....
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 11, 2011 at 15:44
http://kepler.nasa.gov/Mission/discoveries/Just look at the volume of planets being identified. And this is on a small sample of space. In the universe there are literally hundreds of billions of planets. A good few billion will be earth like. And earth is a young planet, 75% of the systems out there are a at least 4 billion years older than earth.
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 11, 2011 at 15:39
Actually, it's statically very probable. Hence CETI and Kepler. http://kepler.nasa.gov/Extraterrestrial life is practically a given. As are life forms based on different biochemistry. That's why billions are being poured into proving it. Our machines are young. 20 years old. They're already landing air planes, flying around our oceans as autonomous mini submarines, landing on and exploring mars. They play chess and beat us at it. Took is millions of years to do what our machines are doing in 20. By the time you die Chikot you will not be able to tell the difference between a machin...
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 11, 2011 at 15:01
Chikot, There's a very good chance not all life is carbon based, some might be silica based. That means life could have evolved as what you would describe as a machine naturally. There could be a machine out there speculating that carbon based life forms will never supersede it. This is a lot more complex than you think....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothetical_types_of_biochemistry
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 11, 2011 at 13:01
Chikot, Robots are evolving at a few million times the pace humans have. We've had billions of years to evolve, robots of all type only been a round for maybe 20 years and already they are beating us at chess. We are doomed as a species. That is a given. 99% of species that evolved on this planet has gone extinct. The odds are not good for our continued existence. All it will take is an asteroid, or a mega volcano like yellow stone. And those events will happen. We either get off this planet or we perish. Quite likely our machines will survive long after were gone if we can get them far en...
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 10, 2011 at 16:15
The way I see it, until about say 100 years ago we were to busy running away from lions and bears to even ask this question. I'm saying is the effort of learning the craft worth the craft ?I can learn a shit load running away from a lion, for example, I don't have to run faster than the lion, just faster than the guy behind me. The stats are abysmal. Almost no one makes it in fx. It's a bell curve. Less than 10% of people who try this makes it and of those less than 1% gets rich. That's 1% of the 10%.Only the guys that put in the decades end up getting it. Why not go to the bea...
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 10, 2011 at 15:32
No mate,Fx is not a problem. Was it worth it.... ? That is the problem...
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 10, 2011 at 14:34
No speki, It hasn't, but I would have had a better quality of life without it. Chasing the dragon....fools game. I'm still debating with myself if the cost was worth the returns....
Which indicator is the best to measure breakout ?
숙련된 트레이더
Jun 10, 2011 at 13:46
Money is not important, lack of money is very important. But the cost in time....isch.....
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