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트레이딩 시스템
Dec 20, 2010 at 11:03
You will notice a discrepancy between the ATC trades tonight and the FINFX. Unfortunately in setting up on finfx my settings for one of the core features of my EA - my pullback feature - was turned off, so we missed the pullback and only got about a third of the profit as on ATC. I have checked all settings now and we are good to go. At least we got in the green today. Hope i doesn't sound like I'm making excuses, but i want to keep my investors up with any notable differences in the trades between accounts. (also for my own records)Cheers
Former MANAGED Account
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 19, 2010 at 20:35
Thanks for your kind words, Solar. We all need to keep positive and keep learning in this difficult business of forex.Thanks also Damon for your account of how a changing balance might potentially effect EA operation (at least within a PAMM account). This is definitely something I will talk with my programmer about and research further. Very sorry to hear about your bad luck. You'll get back the loss.Happy Holidays Wayne
MANAGED - YenMasterX (InstaForex)
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 19, 2010 at 09:06
THIS ACCOUNT IS NOT BEING TRADED. I created it but quickly realized that a 4 digit server affects my technical indicators, so i have to open another account here using the 5 digit server through Europe.I have not been satisfied with the response of this company to things such as money withdraws and responding to emails, so I'm not sure i will continue with them.
Former MANAGED Account
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 19, 2010 at 08:24
Hey Damon, Thanks for the complement. Let’s hope we can both keep are charts looking sexy in the long run. We always hate the down times, but it’s the ability of an EA and/or a trading system to recover profit lost that is the basis of a true sexy chart here, right? Focusing on what pair(s) or strategy(s) work best for you is hopefully a key to success.Fight the good fight
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 19, 2010 at 08:01
Good advice Jprize. Whenever I make a modification to the EA though it is always in the form of a new t/f option-feature so the EA can behave as it did before if I want to go back to where I was at previously. My normal routine is to come up with a feature or modification based on experience, chart studies of my trades, and the invaluable tool of visual backtesting, then have my programmer implement it and then see what backtesting says. If backtesting doesn’t like my new feature I usually will not even try it live. I believe something has to work on backtesting to even have a chance...
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 18, 2010 at 08:38
Just a note about the cancellation of the sell order we missed out on Friday. I have located the issue as a correctly operating feature of the EA that needs to be modified because its conditions are overly conservative. The point is that it was not any server or broker error on FinFx part. The reason the trade was taken on the ATC platform is likely because there is a slight variation in stochastic values with this brokers that did not trigger the cancellation function on my EA with them. Within the next week I expect to see a more dynamic and profitable EA as this stochastic issue will be ...
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 17, 2010 at 19:05
Unfortunately we started off with a little bad luck. Administrative issues generating an error message saying "common error" kept me from catching the move up in euro yen last night (my ATC account caught it) and a yet to be determined cancellation of my pending short order (right before the drop) kept us out of a second profitable trade. This short trade was taken for 50 pips profit on ATC account (as you can see). I am researching the cause of the cancellation. So what should have been a 2% account gain (75 pips profit as seen on the ATC account) instead resulted in a big 0 (ev...
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 17, 2010 at 18:56
I will be using this discussion to chronicle the progress of my managed account and comment on particular trades. I will never identify any of my investors (as investors) who might post here as this would be unprofessional. Whoever works with me is nobody's business buy mine and my investors. Best Wishes everyoneWayne
Leo Trader Pro
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 17, 2010 at 02:46
Can anyone say anything more specific about how the logic or mechanics of inter-market analysis might work with this system? If you watch the video at the following link http://www.leotraderpro.com/ they essentially claim to being using a server-based super-computer type of analysis of inter-market activity to decide what pairs to trade (likely meaning whether euro/usd should be longed only or gbp/usd only shorted, etc. and when) and then use a replicator system to carry out the trades.It will be interesting to see what next week brings.PS I have an account a finfx, but since it is new I c...
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 10, 2010 at 07:14
Looks like this EA is doing okay. Anything you can tell me about it?Best Wayne
MANAGED - YenMasterX (InstaForex)
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 09, 2010 at 09:32
Hey Jprize, Yes, i can do a managed account here. I just needed to create another account which i have just completed. The current account you see is 4 digit price and i just realized certain of my indicators need 5 digit to register small changes so just found out i need a new account with Europe server that utilizes 5 digit.If you or anyone is interested in managed services with this broker let me know. I will not require a minimum investment at this point. You can invest 1 dollar or more. Fees will start off at 25% but may increase to future clients to 30%.I just created this account t...
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 09, 2010 at 03:10
I know how difficult the manual trading is. You are only trying to make your clients more profit. The only rule I have had to follow from manual trading is to be very conservative and if you are up 30 pips be ready to lock in a small stop loss from here or take profit at the first sign of losing those pips. Of course with this strategy you almost always miss out on the big moves. You obviously have skill manual trading as anyone can see from your collective fx account. This market right now, however, is not kind to anyone other than those who are content to get 30 pips and run with it bef...
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 08, 2010 at 03:34
Interesting discussion here. Could anyone tell me who "Arbatov" is and why he seems to be a person of interest? Sorry, but I'm in the dark here.Thanks friends,Wayne
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 02, 2010 at 22:15
Hey Dude, looks like you got some nice systems going. Do you offer managed accounts? Any info appreciatedCheersWayne
Former MANAGED Account
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 01, 2010 at 19:20
Frustrating night. I have a "breakout" feature that should have caught the move up in EuroYen. Checking my journal i see it did not work at all. I will have to get with my programmer and find the bug. I also cut the EA off 1 hour before ADP (ADP and NFP are the only times I will cut EA off as potential volatility is too high) my goal is to keep DD to a minimum. Shot myself in the foot today.
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 01, 2010 at 02:49
Hey Primeval, Is this managed account available to US clients?Thanks
트레이딩 시스템
Nov 30, 2010 at 08:56
Thanks Steve, They sent me an "application" to get on their waiting list. Seemed like a BS game they were playing, so I'm just looking for some advice on whether these guys are quality brokers. I think they are located in Florida? Seems like a read something like that? Anyway, that is interesting, the idea of a monthly fee. Then i guess you can trade whatever volume? Maybe I'll do the application process after some more investigating.Seems like they're working out for Primeval CheersWayne
트레이딩 시스템
Nov 30, 2010 at 08:39
I began trading this account manual on November 8 2010, trading mainly Euro-Yen (taking some signals from my EA which specializes in that pair, but not solely restricted to it). Prior to that I was using a commercial scalping EA which the creator advised me not to use with FX Open, but as I have made some successful trades I figured it would be alright. Next thing the market became volatile and I lost half the account. (be careful of FX Open with any scalping EA. Even though they are ECN you seem to get screwed too often). So my trading of Euro-Yen is easily found through the history of tr...
트레이딩 시스템
Nov 30, 2010 at 08:29
Great work taking this account to the sky, Primeval, Hope you're not afraid of heights :)I noticed there are no commissions charged to you by Collective fx. Is this the case for all their clients or maybe just for IB's? I am thinking of opening an account with them but they don't seem very accessible. Would you recommend them for a "normal" trader, or only if you are gong to be an IB?Keep up the good workWayne
Former MANAGED Account
트레이딩 시스템
Nov 30, 2010 at 05:47
Thanks for your interest, Jprize, Unfortunately I won't be selling my EA but I do plan to use it for account management once I establish my track record. I am also working on a couple of features that will add more profit, pinpointing spots in which to multiply my trade size for scalps in addition to the bigger profit targets. Gains are steady, but not being maximized like I believe they can.Thanks againGood luck tradingWayne
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