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forex_trader_7 에 의한 게시물
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 19:09
Not sure I understand what that means. But I said my bit. I suggest you do a bit more homework and especially look into your liability if a client does lose all his money (or the account even under performs) and decides to take legal action. Can cost you everything you've ever had or will ever have...First stop for the lawyers will be you if you were an intermediary, not the guys you're punting.
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 18:59
You don't have the skills to evaluate your managers. They can look at camel poop and you wouldn't know the difference. Again - it's not that I think less of you, you just don't know this game. So you can't advise on it....I can show you anything I want to. Simple matter of manipulation, so can they...ever met these people?
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 18:51
How can you tell if someone is a good money manager? I don't have anything against you personally. Or your money managers. I understand that things don't go as planned always. But you do need to know what you are selling and what the implications are if it goes wrong. Liability is a huge issue. Can cost you everything you have and will ever have...If I did what you are doing here, my fine would be about $2 000 000 US. Do you even know if you're falling fowl of your regulatory environment? I been to the middle east. I seen the left behinds. 4 am in Jeddah is an eye opener. If you...
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 18:35
There is no market depth in retail fx. If you want market depth you'd have to go to Bloomberg or one of the other organizations/brokers that provides it...
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 18:32
You shouldn't be marketing anything really. It's pretty obvious you don't have a clue what you're doing. All you're going to do is cost people money and give it to the brokers. And that's just going to make my life harder long term as regulators move to get the likes of you out of the market.
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 18:23
Not the point. How can a market maker influence your feed? Do you know?
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 18:06
And to be really blunt, if you're going to be managing money for clients you need to know what you're doing. Not knowing at this point - where you are advertising - what a market maker does, is unforgivable.
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 17:59
I'm not calling you a faker yet, but you definitely knew what you were doing when you used Alpari's logo. No one is that stupid. So don't pull the "they said" thing...
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 17:49
I don't quite buy that story...We could always bump of an e-mail to Alpari and see what happens? Or would that not be required?
Looking for Good Forex Traders To Trade My Capital
숙련된 트레이더
Sep 15, 2010 at 16:56
I should probably make a write up or something. From the money managers point of view he needs a sophisticated client, or it just adds cost to the enterprise. There's a cost associated with every adjustment a client makes associated with the portfolio. You get a small fry withdrawing all the time or changing deposit amounts, the entire portfolio pays for that, i.o.w all the clients pay for one pleb.The money manager that takes everyone and everything or gives "tailored performance" based on your risk profile, is not the one you want. That is the money manager that doesn't und...
Looking for Good Forex Traders To Trade My Capital
숙련된 트레이더
Sep 15, 2010 at 16:16
Andrey,The discussion is more complex than that and they definitely don't perform miracles. Just good steady consistent returns. You can't see them in all the I do a gazillion pips a month systems we have here. You'll need enough money, enough patience and enough knowledge to know when you're being managed properly. 99% of people looking for managed accounts are unrealistic in their expectations. But at least one of these dudes aren't really interested in anything less than $25k and certainly would look at me funny if I sent the masses to him.
Lion Capital
트레이딩 시스템
Sep 15, 2010 at 13:33
Technically there is if you look at the Equity graph, which is why we needed one. 16 to 20 August was down.It does look very good. Sadly I can't trust anything that doesn't have losing trades. Only one way that can happen, and that's if the trades left till they're green, and that implies a fat tail....You know what would make it better? Overall close out. Got X % profit TP, that way you can eliminate any risk a fat tail would bring.
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 12:48
Or get a hitman on your six, I'm sure he has a few enemies, he has a habit of raiding countries...that doesn't make to many friends.
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 12:39
And I'd also like to point out that you're using a logo you're not entitled to use. You're representing yourself as being from Alpari. From your question it is evident you are not. I'm sure if anyone pointed that out to Alpari you'll get your posterior thoroughly kicked. They have all your details after all, they know where you live....
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 10:11
To busy for casual chats. But if you're going to be managing money for clients you should know this stuff already. It's going to have huge impact going forward.
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 10:04
I'd also like to point out that by looks of it ECN's, which I believe to be tapping into what they call "dark pools" are a direct response the what's happening in terms of HFT trading on wall street. Remember 80% of the volume on the NYSE is rumored to be HFT trading between themselves. Crash waiting to happen if I ever saw one coming. Already had inexplicable "flash crash" which no one has managed to explain yet. People are rapidly moving away from those markets as they are no longer seen as fair. I would expect were in for interesting times going forward...
US level 2 market depth & what market makers actually do
Sep 15, 2010 at 09:47
A Market maker doesn't put the orders through to market. He settles the clients against each other and only hedges in the real market when his book becomes unbalanced. The spread is fictitious. The metatrader bucket shops anyway in the FX context. ECN's it goes though to market, so no market making. AMM - you're asking what a steering wheel does moments before you drive a bus with 120 people in it?
Looking for Good Forex Traders To Trade My Capital
숙련된 트레이더
Sep 13, 2010 at 13:02
jchenYou'd do real well to look a that community performance thing. $11 mil lost so far. There's about two people here I would allow to manage my account....
Community is getting a hiding!!
Sep 13, 2010 at 10:13
Well, I wouldn't suggest following the community positions!!
Community is getting a hiding!!
Sep 13, 2010 at 10:09
Steve ya, Either way this is a very expensive hobby by the looks of it.
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