Yellen (on espresso) (에 의해 Jeffsek)
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Yellen (on espresso) 토론
Feb 20, 2024 at 04:22
May 17, 2023 부터 멤버
Hello Jeff I have a Question
Im planning to Run this settings, I have been tracking this Setings, I just Have a Question, Do I have to change the Lot Exponent or do I leave them as they are when I set the Bot?
Im reading in the description that the Lot size is 0.16 for a 20K account and Im planning to Run a 60K Account so that means I should run it with a .48 lot size im I correct or Ima wrong?
Thank you very much
Im planning to Run this settings, I have been tracking this Setings, I just Have a Question, Do I have to change the Lot Exponent or do I leave them as they are when I set the Bot?
Im reading in the description that the Lot size is 0.16 for a 20K account and Im planning to Run a 60K Account so that means I should run it with a .48 lot size im I correct or Ima wrong?
Thank you very much
Dec 08, 2023 부터 멤버

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