XXXX - moved to current demo, i like this combo with 1.32 settings- 10.4 by Andy v1.31 final with Rsi at 90/10 and BE@15, corr=true, TP@rs2 and using TS as coded with lot size @ 2% , added xM 13K 12 AUG too very few 10.4- ava 5702559 - f64 (에 의해 cuzgeorge)

: 게인 +28.71%
드로다운 20.22%
핍스: 3248.0
거래 323
원 :
: 종류 데모
레버리지: 1:400
거래 : 자동화

XXXX - moved to current demo, i like this combo with 1.32 settings- 10.4 by Andy v1.31 final with Rsi at 90/10 and BE@15, corr=true, TP@rs2 and using TS as coded with lot size @ 2% , added xM 13K 12 AUG too very few 10.4- ava 5702559 - f64 토론

Apr 13, 2013 at 15:49
154 개의 뷰
0 Replies
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