XXX -Moved to Current EAs with 1.32 using both inids - 10.4 v2.01b by Andy, using RSi at 95/5 with 0.03 lots , correlation is true with symbol trailing at 3 and 1% start 18 April -AvaFloat 570 2679 - CC (에 의해 cuzgeorge)

: 게인 +1.96%
드로다운 1.57%
핍스: 2517.3
거래 80
원 :
: 종류 데모
레버리지: 1:400
거래 : 자동화

XXX -Moved to Current EAs with 1.32 using both inids - 10.4 v2.01b by Andy, using RSi at 95/5 with 0.03 lots , correlation is true with symbol trailing at 3 and 1% start 18 April -AvaFloat 570 2679 - CC 토론

Apr 18, 2013 at 20:09
1,061 개의 뷰
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