WorldPro FX - F8 (에 의해 omiyage)
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WorldPro FX - F8 토론
Sep 16, 2010 부터 멤버
Nov 22, 2011 at 06:30
Aug 09, 2011 부터 멤버
is it really a real live account? or real demo account? These kind of ea's dont work in reality. Look at the time frame of each trades. it enters and exits in seconds..on demo servers it does..not on live servers..I trusted a ukranian selling something of the same ea called 'premiums smerch' and paid us$1000 (from his asking price of us$2,500)..result?? demo's i made money doubling account every week..but on real live account..lost account in a week. So evaluate before you purchase any such ea's. If there's someone genuine, they can always provide you with an investor password for a live account for verification. God bless!
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