Twin Master Profit - Win2S (에 의해 Win2S)
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Twin Master Profit - Win2S 토론
Dec 23, 2011 at 10:31
Sep 14, 2010 부터 멤버
No, at least until now. I am still observing ........
But, actually you could try to put any ea that you trust. The main idea is to put it as twin (the same ea on two charts separately with different Magic Number, one for 'long only' and the other one is for 'short only'.
So the both always make a kind of hedging positions, and so on ........
But, actually you could try to put any ea that you trust. The main idea is to put it as twin (the same ea on two charts separately with different Magic Number, one for 'long only' and the other one is for 'short only'.
So the both always make a kind of hedging positions, and so on ........
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