trustcorporation (에 의해 leivaamat)

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trustcorporation 토론

May 12, 2014 at 22:51
751 개의 뷰
5 Replies
Oct 24, 2012 부터 멤버   게시물62
May 16, 2014 at 03:26
Fake account, when i watch in the morning was nothing.

then later, auto update new entries in the money
Mar 27, 2014 부터 멤버   게시물6
May 17, 2014 at 07:25
2 last trades have 23 hours opened, you are crazy thedoctor

05.15.2014 15:45 05.16.2014 15:06 GBPUSD Buy 20.00 1.67000 1.68900 1.67783 1.68190 40.7 8140.00 23h 21m 1.28%
05.15.2014 15:44 05.16.2014 15:06 EURUSD Buy 20.00 1.36000 1.38200 1.36688 1.37018 33.0 6600.00 23h 21m 1.05%
Jul 30, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물5
May 17, 2014 at 07:26
I have a managed account with leiva, good trader.
Oct 24, 2012 부터 멤버   게시물62
May 17, 2014 at 09:25 (편집됨 May 17, 2014 at 09:34)
leivaamat posted:
2 last trades have 23 hours opened, you are crazy thedoctor

05.15.2014 15:45 05.16.2014 15:06 GBPUSD Buy 20.00 1.67000 1.68900 1.67783 1.68190 40.7 8140.00 23h 21m 1.28%
05.15.2014 15:44 05.16.2014 15:06 EURUSD Buy 20.00 1.36000 1.38200 1.36688 1.37018 33.0 6600.00 23h 21m 1.05%

well good then, then i must be really blinded by magicians.

and if u think ppl are copying or stealing your trades, then make it private. don't assume.

I like ur stats if it was real, i happen to see it 1 week ago. but the art work on friday and thursday was simply amazing.

Good for u stevenross, if your managed account are having the same results, i am happy for you. I am not trying to de-fame here, but simply, understanding myfxbook's showed that there was no trades on a friday morning, after some losses on thursday.

then suddenly showed 2 trades that was not entered, what u are showing me can be an art-work by a broker to fill in trades into the report or statement then publish it there after. After that 2 trades, ur system no longer update as usual which was every 10 minutes or 5 minutes. it went inactive and stopped updating for more than 5 hours.

it got off many hours until you close off that 2 trades, then it shows the latest results.

good for those making good money from ur system. i was very keen too tbh but didn't know u got managed account, and our corporate are keen to invest with these type of system, just the artwork doesn't seems legit to me.

Mar 27, 2014 부터 멤버   게시물6
May 19, 2014 at 18:21
Some people ask me about investor password, and i need change it for give to investor. When i change this password myfxbook can´t update info.
Apr 06, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물2
May 21, 2014 at 08:45
when you are going to give your account in myfxbook auto trade...?
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