Transparent Trading Project (에 의해 tesla__trader)

: 게인 +308.95%
드로다운 46.52%
핍스: 10371.5
거래 10149
원 :
: 종류 데모
레버리지: 1:200
거래 : 자동화

Transparent Trading Project 토론

May 02 at 14:37
357 개의 뷰
5 Replies
Nov 18, 2023 부터 멤버   게시물9
May 03 at 15:38
At current date:
Max DD was 17.85%
Min margin level % was 565.28%
Net profit should be adjusted on commission fees for 13.7 lots and 7$ per lot => -95.9$
Go, go, go, Apes! No one lives forever! (c) Starship Troopers
Nov 18, 2023 부터 멤버   게시물9
May 09 at 18:55
Hi there!
There is month has elapsed once this account had been launched.
It's time to summarise its results.
Here is some adjusted information of account statistics (we have it running as demo, so there are no fees charged, but only swaps).
Statistics of the period 08.04.24 till 09.05.24:
Max DD was 17.85%
Min margin level was 565.28%
Unfortunately, demo doesn’t account fees. So, need to adjust ROI on fees of 15.73 lots which is 110.11$
Thus, after fees we will get (monthly based ROI):
-> balance ROI 20.65%
-> equity ROI 10.48%

That's it for now and see you.
Go, go, go, Apes! No one lives forever! (c) Starship Troopers
Nov 18, 2023 부터 멤버   게시물9
Jun 09 at 18:45
Hi there!
There is another month has elapsed.
It's time to summarise past month results.
Here is some adjusted information of account statistics (we have it running as demo, so there are no fees charged, but only swaps).
Statistics of the period 10.05.24 till 09.06.24:
Max DD (trading fees 7$ per lot included) was 23.55%
Min margin level was 565.28%
Unfortunately, demo doesn’t account fees. So, need to adjust ROI on fees of 28.14 lots to 7 $ per lot which is 196.98$
It's hard to keep holding sliding window of monthly results based on date, when I launched this demo, so this is the last time I will do that based on period 8th day of month till 9th day of the next month.
Since July, I will update Max DD and Min margin level % based on calendar month period.
For now, average ROI of these two months strategy running is 33.27% / 2 months = 16.63%
But we need to adjust it on fees size 196.98$ which is 15.3% of ROI, thus adjusted averaged ROI will be (33.27 * 0.847)% / 2 months = 14.09%

That's it for now and see you.
Go, go, go, Apes! No one lives forever! (c) Starship Troopers
Nov 18, 2023 부터 멤버   게시물9
Jun 18 at 10:23
Hi there.
Yesterday morning there was accident closures of all positions.
That's was performed accidentally, but I can't get it undone as well as I don't want to do that even if I could.
Let's think of it like of gotten tech glitch, which may happen by tons of different reasons.
Of course it's a shame to get a loss like that in the middle of nowhere, ruining the stats, but shit happens.
Go, go, go, Apes! No one lives forever!
Go, go, go, Apes! No one lives forever! (c) Starship Troopers
Nov 18, 2023 부터 멤버   게시물9
Jul 01 at 18:53
Hi there!
There is another month was been successfully passed so need to adjust account ROI to commissions amount.
During lifetime of account there were traded 47.66 lots which is equal 47.66 lots * 7 $ = 333.62 $ of fees.
Max DD and Min Margin level are still the same as they were month ago.
Please, take in account these numbers to adjust account ROI during the lifetime.
Thanks and see you!
Go, go, go, Apes! No one lives forever! (c) Starship Troopers
Nov 18, 2023 부터 멤버   게시물9
Dec 18 at 17:09
Hi there!
Here is video with description of the current state of the account:
Go, go, go, Apes! No one lives forever! (c) Starship Troopers
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