Trading Championship October 2010 (에 의해 lowyoda)
: 게인 | -64.38% |
드로다운 | 73.33% |
핍스: | -377.0 |
거래 | 37 |
원 : |
손실: |
: 종류 | 데모 |
레버리지: | 1:500 |
거래 : | 자동화 |
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Trading Championship October 2010 토론
Oct 09, 2010 부터 멤버
Oct 26, 2010 at 10:35
Sep 04, 2010 부터 멤버
I don't know, I've seen that in my statement MT4.
5139881 2010.10.26 11:31 credit Credit Out, value date: 2010.10.26 -63 333.00
and after in statement
5139879 2010.10.26 11:31 credit Credit In, value date: 2010.10.27 63 333.00
All trade at this moment was closed by margin call
5139881 2010.10.26 11:31 credit Credit Out, value date: 2010.10.26 -63 333.00
and after in statement
5139879 2010.10.26 11:31 credit Credit In, value date: 2010.10.27 63 333.00
All trade at this moment was closed by margin call
Oct 09, 2010 부터 멤버
Oct 26, 2010 at 10:59
Aug 05, 2009 부터 멤버
i wonder why fxopen does stuff like that. it should be advertising their services but thats just weird. even i get requotes on that demo, i mean why do i get requotes on a demo, just no sense in showing them or givin the entry i wanted?? i dont want to know how many i would get on a live account with them...
trading is passion
Oct 09, 2010 부터 멤버
Oct 26, 2010 at 13:19
Apr 29, 2010 부터 멤버
whats with tthe credit ins and credit outs.. I tryed to do a fast start when it opened and lost 65k right off and spend all last night getting that 65k back and was actullay postive but I get a credit out and a margine call and then a bredit in after the margin call whats up with that ..??
Oct 09, 2010 부터 멤버

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