SiamFX closed (에 의해 forex_trader_100706)
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SiamFX closed 토론

Nov 26, 2012 부터 멤버
Jul 25, 2014 at 04:31
Nov 26, 2012 부터 멤버
FXopen SiamFX PAMM
This account gets signals from our RazorECn Master Signal Account at 2x Risk.
This account gets signals from our RazorECn Master Signal Account at 2x Risk.

Nov 26, 2012 부터 멤버
Aug 05, 2014 at 11:36
Nov 26, 2012 부터 멤버
Yes, it is 2x risk.
however, this account is a slave account and being a slave account allows additional deposits at any time. Therefore the required amount of margin can be fulfilled at the time of need. Unlike a master account, we can double up the risk capital if drawdown exceeded a level which required more capital.
A Slave account is any trading account following a Master account.
A signal Provider trades on a Master account and the trades are send to the slave account.
A slave account has unlimited features including the following.
The ability to Deposit or Withdraw funds at any time.
The ability to close trades or open trades are any time.
The ability to adjust takeprofit or stoploss levels.
The ability to control and adjust Lotsizes through Risk Multiplier settings
The Master account does not have the following abilities
The ability to Deposit or Withdraw funds at any time.
The ability to control and adjust Lotsizes through Risk Multiplier settings
For Example,
A Slave account can run at 10x the Risk of the Master
A Slave account can run at 0.1x the Risk of the Master
A Slave account can recieve ANY size of Deposit at Any Time, if Needed
however, this account is a slave account and being a slave account allows additional deposits at any time. Therefore the required amount of margin can be fulfilled at the time of need. Unlike a master account, we can double up the risk capital if drawdown exceeded a level which required more capital.
A Slave account is any trading account following a Master account.
A signal Provider trades on a Master account and the trades are send to the slave account.
A slave account has unlimited features including the following.
The ability to Deposit or Withdraw funds at any time.
The ability to close trades or open trades are any time.
The ability to adjust takeprofit or stoploss levels.
The ability to control and adjust Lotsizes through Risk Multiplier settings
The Master account does not have the following abilities
The ability to Deposit or Withdraw funds at any time.
The ability to control and adjust Lotsizes through Risk Multiplier settings
For Example,
A Slave account can run at 10x the Risk of the Master
A Slave account can run at 0.1x the Risk of the Master
A Slave account can recieve ANY size of Deposit at Any Time, if Needed

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