The Scalping FX (에 의해 muratyazici)

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The Scalping FX 토론

Oct 18, 2023 at 05:56
427 개의 뷰
3 Replies
Oct 07, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물70
Oct 27, 2023 at 23:01
Dear all, thank you for your interest in The Scalping FX!!

I will try to explain all the things in this letter. My previous EA was good at the prediction of trends. But its 30 pip stop loss point was not enough especially for bad market conditions and manipulations by Big Fishes. The Scalping FX has been 10 years of development journey for me. The last version of my EA includes things as follows;

• The EA uses EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, and, USDCHF together. /4 pairs
• It uses 6.5 take profit and 100 (big) stop loss points.
• There are not any total trade limitations per day. But, we expect to obtain 1-2 trades for a pair.
• There may be four trades at the same time. No manual tradings and no any other EAs!
• We will not use from 8 to 17 as trading times. We will start to use from 0 to 0. This means that The Scalping FX should run all day. Thus, we should use a VPS.

Let’s talk about 6.5 take profit and 100 (big) stop loss points. As I wrote before, The Scalping FX is very good at the prediction of trends. But, it has a problem on the stop loss points especially in the manipulated markets. It seems that it is needed 16 profitable trades to recover a loss. In fact, this is not quite good. We have 4 pairs. We assume that 8 profitable trades in a day. So, we need 2 profitable days (including 16 profitable trades) to recover a loss.

In fact, the result of the above calculation is quite good if we have an EA with a high win rate. I performed a backtest to see its win rate. During 10 months, the EA opened 167 trades, including 161 profitable trades and 6 losses. It has a 96.41% win rate.

Why is the win rate of The Scalping FX a high rate? First of all, it is related that we use a high stop loss point as 100 pips. This point may increase the win rates. Secondly, we have a good and novel trend prediction algorithm called The Pearson Trend.

The Properties;

- The win rate is 96.41%.
- Max four trades at the same time,
- 6.5 pips take-profit and 100 pips stop-loss points,
- Not limited trade count for each day! Generally, 2 trades for a pair per trading day!

My name is Murat Yazici. I have the following degrees;

B.Sc. Statistics,
M.Sc. Quantitative Methods,
M.Sc. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies.

I have several scientific papers, conference presentations in Texas, Toronto, London, and Istanbul, books and book chapters studies, and many projects about mathematical and statistical modeling. I am also a journal reviewer at some scientific journals.

Awards, papers, and others:

What is the Logic of the EA?
It is based on A Fuzzy Model developed by me.

Vague or fuzzy data and application several fields, such as psychometry, image recognition, artificial intelligence, etc. Some factors cannot be described accurately the best description of these kinds of output is that they are fuzzy outputs [1][2]

You will need to use a VPS because The Scalping FX needs to run for 24 hours in each day.

Murat YAZICI, M.Sc.


H. Tanaka, H. Ishibuchi, Identification of possibilistic linear systems by quadratic membership functions of fuzzy parameters, Fuzzy Sets Systems 41 (191) 145-160.
H. Tanaka, H. Ishibuchi, S. Yoshikawa, Exponential possibility regression analysis, Fuzzy Sets Systems 69 (1995) 305-318.
Oct 07, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물70
Oct 30, 2023 at 14:45
I also want to share an example of my trend prediction algorithm with you.
Red means Down Trends, Green means Up Trends.
Best, Murat Y.


첨부 파일:

Oct 30, 2023 부터 멤버   게시물1
Nov 02, 2023 at 09:07
I saw about your scalping Fx. I am interested. Wanna try. let me know
Oct 07, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물70
Nov 02, 2023 at 11:09
Hi, thank you for your interest. But, my EA is not for sale.
You can copy my trades via myfxbook if you want.
Best, Murat Y.
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