PAMM FxOpen - Ares (에 의해 VipFX)
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PAMM FxOpen - Ares 토론
Mar 12, 2012 at 09:39
Feb 18, 2010 부터 멤버
Thank you for following my FxOPEN PAMM account. It was also first time for me to use the PAMM System and had to learn how they compute results. FxOpen calculates performance based on the EQUITY I found out, and therfore is impacted by new deposits and withdrawals. In myfxbook they calculate real profits, based on closed trades and balance.
On this PAMM account I trade curently 3 Strategies and one of them is in a drawdown ( CADJPY - Long term startegy). The other 2 Strategies are short term nature and generate steady profits. When CADJPY shows again volaitilty, I can close the positions. But indepentend of the timing on this pair, the other Strategies will grow the equity and account balance. My Goal is to make 30%+ profit a month.
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for following my FxOPEN PAMM account. It was also first time for me to use the PAMM System and had to learn how they compute results. FxOpen calculates performance based on the EQUITY I found out, and therfore is impacted by new deposits and withdrawals. In myfxbook they calculate real profits, based on closed trades and balance.
On this PAMM account I trade curently 3 Strategies and one of them is in a drawdown ( CADJPY - Long term startegy). The other 2 Strategies are short term nature and generate steady profits. When CADJPY shows again volaitilty, I can close the positions. But indepentend of the timing on this pair, the other Strategies will grow the equity and account balance. My Goal is to make 30%+ profit a month.
Thank you for your patience.
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