PAMM-account (에 의해 heslop)
: 게인 | +135.81% |
드로다운 | 43.08% |
핍스: | 16055.7 |
거래 | 1449 |
원 : |
손실: |
: 종류 | 리얼 |
레버리지: | 1:40 |
거래 : | 매뉴얼 |
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PAMM-account 토론

Oct 18, 2009 부터 멤버
Aug 12, 2010 at 17:10
Oct 18, 2009 부터 멤버
How the vouching system works? In order to be able to vouch for others, you need to have 3 vouchers yourself – we will be vouching for users during the week to allow them to vouch for others.

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