PAM The EW Trends - Daily 2 percent DD (에 의해 muratyazici)
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PAM The EW Trends - Daily 2 percent DD 토론
Oct 07, 2016 부터 멤버
Jul 05, 2022 at 16:25
Oct 07, 2016 부터 멤버
A trend prediction algorithm based my fuzzy mathematical model...
Hi everyone, I invite you to monitor The EW Trends - Daily 2 percent DD.
The system works with max Daily DD as 2%. It obtained 4.62% growth at the end of only two days.
Best, Murat Y.
Hi everyone, I invite you to monitor The EW Trends - Daily 2 percent DD.
The system works with max Daily DD as 2%. It obtained 4.62% growth at the end of only two days.
Best, Murat Y.
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