New Hope EA 3.0.0 Evolution - long order (에 의해 grisly)
: 게인 | +347.02% |
드로다운 | 33.74% |
핍스: | 231.0 |
거래 | 69 |
원 : |
손실: |
: 종류 | 리얼 |
레버리지: | 1:1000 |
거래 : | 자동화 |
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New Hope EA 3.0.0 Evolution - long order 토론

Jan 23, 2015 부터 멤버
Jan 24, 2015 at 10:35
Jan 23, 2015 부터 멤버
Hello, why do I get a different result trading with the exact same system? I used and set it up correctly just like in one of your reports. I have lost a lot of money, please help me. I do not doubt your system but I need help in setting mine up to trade just like yours. You can see my result using your ea by checking my page. I need the ea settings you used to make this same profit. Please send it to me.
Dec 27, 2012 부터 멤버

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